Learn the Basic Guitar Chords on Your Guitar

Guitars can be an easy and enjoyable way to enter music; learning them quickly will allow you to enjoy playing them for years. But before starting songs on your guitar, it is essential that you understand its basic chords first.

Chords are simple combinations of three notes that sound together. Their relationships are typically determined by scales and musical mathematics.


Major chords are among the cornerstones of Western music theory and remain popular within contemporary pop culture.

Multiple chords can often be combined for effective progressions; C Major is frequently the starting point for an I – V – vi – IV progression in many songs.

C major is an extremely complex scale with distinct relationships to three other keys: B Major, C# Major, and G Major.


Minor chords are an effective way to add flavor and evoke different emotions in music, particularly songs featuring guitar chord progressions.

These chords come in all sorts of forms, from triads and extended minors to natural notes containing no sharps or flats such as D, F and A.

As a first step, learn and practice a few fundamental chord shapes before practicing switching between them smoothly – this will help build muscle memory so you can play them without thinking too much!


Sus4 chords are a classic chord form used in numerous songs. Their dissonant and tension-inducing qualities add excitement while their simple learning process makes them accessible for use by everyone.

Contrary to other styles of music, sus chords often take time before reaching their resolution of dominant chord. Used mainly as ornamentation but can also form part of progressions or cadences.

Sus4 chords are composed from the first, fourth, and fifth scale degrees in any major scale; for instance, G major produces both Gsus4 and Dsus4.


Sus chords (sometimes referred to as suspended chords) are an easy and fun way to add color and variation into your progressions, particularly around single chords.

Sus chords are an effective way of giving any major triad an invigorating new sound; replacing its third note with either its second or fourth note creates an unfamiliar and strikingly different chord. While this approach can make your chord more exciting and interesting, at first it may prove tricky!


Sus2 chords can add color and dimension to your guitar playing, adding new layers and dimensions that enhance any tune you perform. Add these chords as embellishments in order to liven up chord progressions or use them as ornaments for crafting elegant cadences in tunes you play.

Sus2 chords are created by replacing the third note from a standard major or minor triad with another degree from its scale, usually stacking them 1-2-5 and adapting their use according to your musical needs.


Power chords are two-note chords that omit the third note (represented by 5), making them popular choices in amplified rock music with heavy tone distortion, such as hard rock or heavy metal.

Key to mastering power chords is muting their strings with your palm while playing them – this adds authenticity while adding interest to riffs.

Spidering is another popular technique used with power chords that reduces string noise by shifting only certain fingers at once.