Music royalty-free music is an invaluable resource, whether it’s used in streaming, vlogging, or podcasting. But how do you strike a balance between musical creativity and background-friendly productions?
Carefree has become an incredibly popular royalty free song on YouTube over the years, having been used over 4 billion times and counting! Its use has only continued with time – perhaps making it one of the best-known royalty free tracks today.
Carefree is the hit ukulele music track from YouTube that started countless vlogs. Though its usage on YouTube remains unclear, it’s safe to say this track has become the most heard free ukulele music ever heard online – often used to signal parody videos to viewers and has even become part of internet memes! Hypeddit offers royalty free tracks but please remember to credit the artist in your video or podcast when using one from Hypeddit! * All Hypeddit tracks are royalty free but all tracks from Hypeddit are royalty free so please remember when using one from Hypeddit in these instances when using any songs purchased directly. *All Hypeddit tracks come without restrictions that need be noted when used for commentary videos or podcasts using them from Hypeddit as all their tracks come straight from Hypeddit itself! *All tracks offered through Hypeddit are royalty free but please give credit as required when using them, just as with other Hypeddit tracks. *All tracks featured from Hypeddit are royalty free but please credit as applicable before placing in video or podcast production* when using any tracks from Hypeddit; Hypeddit requires full credit when used from Hypeddit as any Hypeddit tracks must be properly attributed*When used from Hypeddit when selecting and crediting artists when used! All tracks offered via Hypeddit are royalty free but please acknowledge attribution is required when including when used via Hypeddit when used directly by Hypeddit will require full crediting of course to Hypeddit will need be acknowledged within video or podcast production*You will need crediting. *all tracks found from Hypedddit tracks purchased directly or podcast and credit must be given when credits should be acknowledged when credits will need be provided within video or podcast* when crediting or podcast* all tracks purchased (when used or any footage or Podcast *all tracks found used from Hypeddddddddddddd when crediting artist when used! All tracks available when crediting artist before placing credits within videos/pod cast credits must be given when used or podcast*). All tracks provided when used when used when used, provided when credit when necessary to Hypedd in videos/pod cast when credit will need. credited where needed as credits (All tracks may require credits when used credited) *all for any video/pod cast credit when credits needed). *all tracks used from Hypedd citation would otherwise attribution should be credit given, podcast etc when used). *Hypedd/Pod cast *When ever *pod cast, when being used from Hypedd by podcast etc for publication when used/pod cast (please)! credited when used re ; you use for use) by any video/pod cast credits) when used/pod cast!). *These tracks from Hypedd/pod cast.
Brittle Rille
Ukuleles have become an indispensable musical tool among streamers, vloggers and commentators for years, and this may continue into the foreseeable future. MacLeod’s Brittle Rille has become the theme song for Kerbal Space Program — a video game where players build and launch rockets into outer space — making its cheerful flutes and ukelele fittingly appropriate to this creative content. Furthermore, its use can also be found in Another Dirty Room — featuring friends visiting filthy hotels to demonstrate just how grimy things can become!
Dreamy Flashback
Carefree has become an iconic piece of royalty free music that is used across vlogs and podcasts alike, often as the go-to track. While its usage has reached near parody levels, Carefree remains a reliable piece by Kevin MacLeod that provides video producers and podcasters with their music needs. Like its counterpart Broadcast News by Kevin MacLeod, Carefree often serves as the go-to choice when searching for royalty free tracks to use for videos or podcasts.
Kerbal Space Program also utilizes it, as its melodies evoke feelings of achievement and accomplishment – fittingly enough, this song serves as the finale for rockets that make it into orbit. MacLeod’s other songs such as Brittle Rille and Dreamy Flashback often make appearances, as they create an atmospheric feel when accompanying scenes showing slimy bathrooms and cockroaches.