Play Piano Free Online

Virtual pianos can be an invaluable resource for musicians looking to compose melodies. Additionally, virtual pianos allow them to practice playing piano keys online and gain knowledge in music theory.

This channel offers video lessons aimed at both beginner and intermediate techniques, beginning with beginner content before moving on to advanced techniques. It has high production values with overhead keyboard views and displayed staff for easy learning.

Perfect Ear

An effective ear is vital to every musician. It allows them to improvise, figure out melodies by ear, recognize chord progressions and more – something many pianists depend on ear training for. Online programs such as Perfect Ear offer quick and efficient training solutions with high-quality ear training and rhythm training options that you will want to use every day!

There are ear training programs for every instrument imaginable, but the best ones provide real-time feedback from an experienced musician. This will enable you to practice efficiently and effectively – and make the most out of every minute spent practicing! Some programs even allow users to select specific lessons or focus on certain skills they may need help developing; making it an excellent option for students learning piano on their own without tutoring services.

Perfect Ear is an app with two distinct versions – free and paid – offering beginner lessons to those starting out and more advanced lessons and features for intermediate players alike. Both versions contain an extensive library of songs and scales as well as exercises for ear training such as intervals (both ascending and descending), solfege, chord recognition, clef reading and even lessons in music theory and perfect pitch.

One of the best ways to play piano by ear is listening to various forms of music. Doing this will enable you to recognize all of the sounds that comprise a piece, including vocals, guitar, drums and bass parts – so that when it comes time for you to improvise your own compositions on piano by ear you can do just that!

As you prepare to learn piano by ear, it’s important to keep in mind that learning music takes practice. Starting off simple songs before progressing onto more complex ones may help ease into this form of playing piano by ear. Furthermore, practicing notes and chords as well as rhythm is also highly beneficial – as is possessing an in-depth knowledge of music theory.


PianoLessons4Children offers free online piano lessons for children. Their lessons teach children to read music, play chords and scales, as well as practice songs for both right-handed and left-handed children. PianoLessons4Children serves as an invaluable resource for parents wanting to teach their child piano but don’t have the time or funds for professional lessons.

Many schools and private instructors provide piano lessons. Although costs for piano lessons can differ, it’s essential that your teacher have experience teaching students of all ages; some even provide discounts to families taking multiple lessons with them.

Starting off a new hobby like learning piano should start off on an enjoyable note for your child. Doing this will help keep them engaged with what they are playing while simultaneously feeling more connected to it – especially important when introducing young children to it!

Your child may find their first experience of seeing a piano both thrilling and disorienting, making them wonder what its keys mean. A good way to introduce the keys and notes is labeling each note starting with middle C; then work your way up through D, E, F, G and A until eventually your child will recognize any note simply by hearing it.

If you want your child to learn piano online, selecting an interactive website tailored specifically towards children would be best. Such websites will let them take lessons at their own pace while offering them an engaging learning experience – not forgetting money back guarantees if there are issues with service provided!

Making Music Fun (MMF) is another website offering free online piano lessons to children. Their simple yet fun user experience makes this website accessible on all platforms; their fast yet fun lessons teach your child to play piano quickly while offering a 30-day money back guarantee!


Skoove Piano Teaching Program provides you with an interactive piano teaching platform designed to teach you the skills required to play any song you desire. Combining video tutorials, an online learning platform and digital piano technology into one comprehensive experience allowing for practice sessions in the comfort of your own home either on your own or with friends.

Online lessons are easy to follow and divided into different categories depending on your desired skill level. Beginning courses provide essential foundational piano knowledge such as hand positioning and notation. At an advanced level, course work covers more complex songs as well as music theory theory. Furthermore, reading music provides key skills necessary for becoming an all-around pianist.

This user-friendly program works on all types of keyboards and pianos – acoustic, electric, MIDI – even microphone-enabled pianos! Furthermore, its consistent interface ensures it remains user friendly across platforms; additionally it will record your performances while offering advice to improve them – an effective way to increase technique!

One great feature of this program is the ability to learn songs by ear. This enables beginners to pick up piano without as much instruction, making this resource especially helpful for non-readers of music. Furthermore, its song selection is expansive, often adding new hits as they become available.

While Skoove provides an effective means of quickly getting you playing piano, it should not be seen as a replacement for professional teaching. Beginners should ensure they complete all three beginner modules before moving on to intermediate lessons – similar to beginner modules but broken down into lessons; such as Skoove’s intermediate 2 lesson that breaks apart James Bond theme into four distinct lessons.

Playground Sessions

Playground Sessions is an innovative piano learning software that uses video tutorials, games, and popular songs to teach beginners piano playing skills. Though designed primarily for novice players, advanced players may use it to fine-tune their abilities as well. Players can study songs at their own pace with feedback from an instructor while competing against friends to make learning even more engaging and motivating!

Playground Sessions break songs into smaller parts and allow for practice on any device, providing students with rewards such as stars and accuracy scores for keeping themselves motivated to practice. Their gamification features help keep students interested and their dashboard provides a clear overview of your progress while outlining any areas needing improvement.

Unrivaled among other online piano lesson platforms, its song library stands alone as an impressive selection of TV and film themes, classical music, jazz classics, traditionals, and pop tunes from every era. Each song comes in different variations that offer differing degrees of difficulty so you can select which version best matches your level at first before returning later to try a harder one as your skills progress. Added band backing tracks provide for a fuller sound.

Playground Sessions offers music theory lessons with video lessons and practice exercises designed to impart its fundamentals, with novice, intermediate, and advanced sections that each introduce a new concept. For those wanting a deeper dive into musical theory Playground Sessions offers courses with instructors such as Mike Garson.

Alongside teaching tools, this app also features a virtual keyboard to allow players to practice on. This makes it easier for beginners to quickly memorize each chord note; making this app an invaluable learning tool for them. However, playing piano beautifully requires more than correct notes and rhythm alone: to truly express musical emotion it requires proper technique practiced consistently over time combined with emotional expression through musical performance.

While Playground Sessions is an effective option for beginning piano students, more serious students might prefer other programs more. Although you have access to many songs through this membership option, only five will be accessible before your new month begins – not an insurmountable problem; but may not justify an increased monthly cost for experienced pianists.