Banjo Eyes

banjo eyes

A banjo eye is a type of rope splice named for its similarity to the end of a banjo.

Eddie Cantor was an iconic performer on both vaudeville and Broadway, known for his lively songs, provocative jokes, and trademark banjo eyes. Additionally, Eddie conquered radio, briefly becoming popular for soundstage musical productions and later radio drama series.


Banjo eyes are a physical feature associated with Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition in which the thyroid overproduces hormones. Their bulging eyes are caused by buildups of tissue behind their eye sockets which push forward and protrude forward from their sockets, creating bulging eyes. While banjo eyes may be uncomfortable or seem dangerous, treatment options include medication designed to curb excess production of thyroid hormones.

Banjo and Kazooie use their signature moves in the game to navigate obstacles and solve puzzles, including using the Shack Pack to squeeze through narrow spaces like narrow cracks by compressing their backpack, as well as sliding down cliffs using Tail Slide, or flying through air, water, toxic soup or any other substance you can think of!

Banjo Eyes was inspired by real-life entertainer Eddie Cantor, famous for both comedy and his ability to pick winning horses at the racetrack. The musical recounts Cantor’s journey from overcrowded New York tenements to burlesque houses on Broadway; biographer Herbert G. Goldman vividly recreated this time when Eddie Cantor reigned as America’s clown prince of musical theatre.

Banjo eyes refers to a specific form of rope splice called banjo eye splices. Known for its distinctive form, this form consists of a small loop at one end of a rope that is tucked securely into its standing part for an effective hold. Quick and easy to create, they are known for their strength and durability – they are commonly found used for sailing applications as well as industrial settings where ropes or cables are used to secure objects or lift loads. Steel banjo eyes are weldable so they can also match existing color schemes or be painted for higher visibility or to match specific schemes.


Banjo eyes are typically diagnosed via physical exam by a healthcare professional. They will inspect for signs of protrusion or bulging around the eyes, as well as perform imaging tests like CT or MRI scans to gain a closer view of both eye tissues and surrounding structures.

In most cases, the condition that causes banjo eyes will be treated effectively. If Graves’ disease is the source of banjo eyes, medication and radioiodine therapy may be sufficient to regulate overproduction of thyroid hormones. Surgery may also be available as an option in certain instances. Other conditions that may lead to banjo eyes include tumors or genetic conditions.

“Banjo Eye” is often used in colloquial speech to refer to someone whose eyes appear larger than usual, or can simply describe an individual who stands out due to their unique physical features.

“Ol’ Banjo Eyes” follows Kid Boots, an assistant tailor, as he attempts to save his job by selling Malcolm Waite a suit at a sales pitch that becomes derailed due to Waite’s captivating topaz-hued eyes with black rings around them. During their sales pitch session together, Kid Boots is distracted by Waite’s beautiful topaz eyes which distract Kid from selling.

Banjo eye splicing, also referred to as banjo splicing, creates a loop at the end of rope that resembles the shape of a banjo when completed spliced. Thus the name comes from this technique’s similarity in appearance between finished banjo splices and banjo-shaped instruments. Simple to implement, keyhole double banjo eye plates offer multiple applications that make use of their simplicity – from connecting safety chains or cables with load-securing latch points on trailer or truck beds, to welding or bolting them securely to loads to help secure them in place. These plates can be found from numerous manufacturers, and painted for greater visibility or to match a color scheme. Crafted from low carbon stamped steel, these are suitable for 3/8″ chain attachment. It makes the ideal load securing solution and also comes available with stainless steel plating for harsh environments.


Banjo eyes are often caused by Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition which causes the thyroid gland to produce too many hormones. But they can be caused by other medical issues or medication side effects; treatment options typically involve managing excess hormone production with medications and surgery may even be considered in extreme cases. Living with banjo eyes may be challenging but with proper support and care individuals can manage the condition and maintain overall wellbeing.

Urban slang refers to larger-than-normal eyes as “banjo eyes.” This term often appears in reference to baseball players needing wide vision in order to steal signs from a catcher during a game and gain advantage. Furthermore, “banjo eyes” has come to refer to players with large heads or faces who possess wide vision.

Eddie Cantor played Eddie “Banjo Eyes,” an entertaining carnival barker giving horse racing tips to Lionel Stander as Malcolm Waite. This Broadway musical ran for 126 performances at Hollywood Theatre between December 25 and January 3, 1942 and was written by Joseph Quinlan and Izzy Ellinson with music composed by Vernon Duke and lyrics written by John La Touche and Cliff Friend; its source material being Three Men on a Horse by Eugene Ionesco.

Living with banjo eyes

Banjo eyes are an unattractive physical feature often linked to Graves disease. This condition causes the thyroid gland to overproduce hormones, leading to protruding eyes as a symptom. Treatment options depend on its cause and may include medication, radioiodine therapy or surgery; lifestyle modifications may also help. Individuals living with banjo eyes should work closely with healthcare providers in managing this condition and leading a healthy life.

Banjo eyes is an idiomatic term in baseball that refers to having an expansive view of the field that allows a batter-batsman to see all of their catcher’s signs during an at bat, thus providing him with ample visibility of signs from their catcher’s sign sheet and signs from other teammates on how best to hit their baseballs.

Banjo eye is a term commonly used in sailing and boating to refer to a type of rope splice; so named because its finished form resembles that of a banjo. To create this knot, both ends of a length of rope must first be untwisted, so its individual strands can be exposed, before twisting back onto themselves in order to form a loop that is then tucked back into standing part of rope to secure its place.

Steel banjo eyes can be found on dump tailgates and other applications for load securing. Weldable and paintable for high visibility or to match color schemes, the 3/8″ in diameter eyes can easily be bolted or welded into place for efficient load security.

Eddie Cantor made his Broadway debut as Ol’ Banjo Eyes in 1941 musical Three Men on a Horse by John Cecil Holm and George Abbott; with book by Joseph Quinlan and Izzy Ellinson; music composed by Vernon Duke; lyrics penned by John La Touche and Harold Adamson; it ran for 126 performances on Broadway.