electro music

Electronic Music and Autism

Anecdotal evidence supports music‘s ability to help autistic children improve their social skills and increase engagement in activities outside their usual environment. Furthermore, previous randomized controlled trials have revealed that interventions utilizing musical themes produce significant behavioral improvements for autistic individuals. Researchers have also reported that certain musical stimuli can enhance empathy; however, its exact

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The Music of John Cage

John Cage’s music stands apart from all others in that his compositions use any and all sounds around you to compose musical pieces. Cage collaborated closely with pianist David Tudor as his main interpreter and collaborator, often creating musical puzzles for Tudor to solve, such as graphic scores or cartridge music from 1960. Sound Cage

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New Electronic Music Venues in New York City

With an increase in dance clubs and deejay sets, New York is experiencing a dance dance revolution. New venues from abandoned warehouses to communist-era squats are offering electronic sounds of various kinds for audiences to experience. Experienced giggoers know these unique venues take concert experiences to another level – whether that means smoke-and-strobe-filled experiences or

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