folk music

Folk Music Labels

Folk music fans have many record labels to choose from when it comes to folk music recordings. From major labels like Atlantic Records to smaller imprints like Navan Records specializing in certain subgenres of folk, here are just a few options for your consideration. Folk-Legacy Records is an amazing label dedicated to preserving traditional folk […]

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Folk Music in the 1970s

While funk and disco were making waves, folk music thrived during the 1970s. Driven by a singer-songwriter movement and revival in roots/Americana music, folk songs produced an abundance of emotive, poetic pieces for years to come. Dylan’s distinctive vocals over a rolling acoustic arrangement painted multidimensional portraits of desire and regret in this timeless classic

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Folk Music Jokes

There are plenty of humorous folk music jokes you can tell; from silly to slightly more sophisticated quips. For the best effect, try mixing up both styles into one humorous tale: What do you call a musician without a banjo or lungs but with pipes instead of vocal cords? A banjo player. 1. How do

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Folk Music in Kent

Pubs that focus more on musical entertainment rather than darts. Live folk, jazz and acoustic performances take place regularly here. They have an unwavering commitment to keeping tradition alive, working closely with the English Folk Dance and Song Society as the governing body for traditional music. Their research includes conducting analysis on a wide variety

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Woody Guthrie – The Father of Modern Folk Music

Woody Guthrie was an ingenious artist whose talent covered genres, time periods and regions. His songs often depict maintainers with all their hopes, fears and daily tasks as subjects for discussion. By the 1940s he had established himself within New York City’s folk music community alongside Pete Seeger and Almanac Singers. Unfortunately his health declined

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