Folk Music Kent

folk music kent

Folk music kent refers to any genre that derives its style and origins from within a community, whether that is national or regional in origin. Terms used for this form of music may differ across cultures – for instance the English term folk music kent differs significantly from its French and Italian equivalents musique populaire and musica popolare respectively.

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Folk music encompasses an expansive spectrum of musical forms. Examples of folk music can include traditional European folk music, the genre developed during the 20th century folk revival period and contemporary forms. Folk music can also refer to any form of traditional cultural heritage music passed from generation to generation without written documentation – these criteria distinguish it from other types of music such as patterns of transmission, social function origins and performance styles – although its definition may differ according to culture.

European folk music was profoundly altered by industrialization and urbanization as well as nationalist movements in the 19th century, which resulted in revivalist efforts to preserve traditional folk songs as well as nationalist movements that began at that time. While these efforts sometimes succeeded, their effects also blurred traditional and popular musical genres further; today there are many genres of contemporary folk music which combine traditional with popular elements.

Ballads are among the most iconic examples of folk music. Lyrical songs that recount stories or simply describe events may be called ballads; often performed unaccompanied, these traditional English tunes date from between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries.

Ritual and ceremony are central components of folk music. They may involve dance, song, theatre and procession and may be tied to an agricultural year cycle, harvest festivals or folk customs such as Morris dancing; additionally they can also be found in village life or maritime traditions like sea shanties.

Folk music differs from classical or pop music in that its source material is typically passed along orally and so most folk musicians cannot claim copyright protection for it. However, over the past century some folk songs were published formally under their authors’ names, impacting genres such as folk rock, punk rock and other forms.


Folk music festivals are musical events that honor traditional and contemporary folk songs from diverse traditions, held at local, regional or national venues and usually featuring activities like dancing and storytelling alongside food, arts and crafts and food stalls. Many folk festivals also promote social justice and human rights through themed programs or themes at these festivals.

Festivals draw large audiences or small groups of participants. Aside from music, these festivals can also incorporate literature, poetry and painting as art forms. A folk festival’s purpose is to educate the public on various aspects of culture while increasing appreciation for traditional and contemporary forms. Furthermore, festivals provide artists with a platform where they can network and showcase their talents with other creative professionals.

Over the past decade, Kent State folk festival has undergone significant transformations both in format and organization due to student interest. Now in its 24th year running on college campuses throughout the US, the Kent State folk festival stands out as the longest-running music festival.

The festival is free to attend and the lineup will be revealed 4-6 weeks prior to its date. Sponsors and patrons of the Festival are essential in providing the necessary funds for performances; Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and Tenterden Chamber of Commerce all sponsor performances at Tenterden Chamber of Commerce as sponsors respectively. In addition to sponsorships, Tenterden Chamber of Commerce relies heavily on volunteers for various tasks; these volunteers help provide a safe and fun experience for attendees at this festival.

Last year’s festival showcased an abundance of talented musicians. Headliners included singer/songwriter John Gorka and vocalist Tracy Grammer – two artists widely revered within folk music circles. Gorka is widely revered for his warm sense of humor and ability to craft emotive songs; Grammer serves as an interpreter of other people’s work.

This festival also provides workshops and children’s entertainment, making it an excellent opportunity to experience different genres while exploring American music’s rich history.


Folk Music Kent boasts a rich tradition of live music, often performed in intimate venues. You’re sure to find everything from intimate beachside gigs to headline acts at festivals in Kent – there’s sure to be something here that satisfies every musical taste imaginable, be it rock, pop, ska or soul music festivals available to suit every taste and preference!

Folk music refers to traditional forms that have their roots within communities and are passed along through oral traditions. Oral traditions were especially vital during past eras where many ordinary people were illiterate; by learning songs by heart rather than from written sources, folk music could more readily reach people with limited literacy than its written equivalent would allow. Today however, mass media has become the main platform for spreading folk music across society.

Folk music has traditionally been tied to national culture and remains popular across rural settings and ethnic minority communities in cities alike. Additionally, its prevalence can also be found among immigrants where songs reflect their mother cultures’ influences. Meanwhile, contemporary forms are more closely connected to individual artists and their works.

Kent State Folk Festival hosts concerts at large venues as well as smaller-venue gigs that give performers a chance to showcase their talent while also relaxing and unplugging from life for a while. Furthermore, emerging artists often utilize small venues as a great way to build up their name recognition and showcase their abilities.

Kent State Folk Festival’s concert lineup featured a diverse range of talented musicians. John Gorka and Tracy Grammer co-headlined the opening night show, performing soulful music. Gorka is known for his warm sense of humor and ability to compose personal, heartfelt songs; Grammer brought rich vocal harmonies as well as her talent of interpreting other musicians’ works into her performance, which won them over audiences at Kent State.

Over the Rhine is led by husband-and-wife duo Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist; its intelligent songwriting and masterful vocal harmonies have earned them great acclaim at festivals. Additionally, Delhi 2 Dublin performed at this year’s festival, providing a high-energy stage show that combined Celtic percussion with Bhangra rhythms from India for an exciting stage show experience.


Workshops provide an ideal way to experience folk music live. By gathering artists who may not typically work together and encouraging them to jam together, workshops provide an incredible opportunity for participants to learn songs and stories as well as overcome nerves and have fun! Some workshops may feature performances at the end of the day but most likely it’s simply jam session with instructors.

Folk music was traditionally passed down through oral tradition from one generation to the next, usually within families or small social groups. It developed out of local traditions, serving various functions such as commemorating past events and providing entertainment or education. Folk music can often be found associated with rural life but has also been used as part of celebrations of industrial work.

Folk Music Kent Festival’s workshops provide students with an exceptional opportunity to learn from professional musicians. Instructors offer beginner through advanced level classes, from beginners all the way up to weeklong and one-day courses at Weatherbury Farm’s “Escape to Tranquility.” Its tranquil setting perfectly compliments folk music’s easygoing nature.

Folk music encompasses many genres, spanning narrative ballads to lyrical songs. Working songs were developed specifically to sync up muscular efforts required for turning capstans or pumping pumps. Their themes can range from pastoral to dramatic.

Young people living in Kent don’t often get a chance to experience folk music; therefore Kent Music and the English Folk Dance and Song Society have joined forces to bring workshops that teach young musicians how to play by ear while broadening their creativity and learning about new playing styles and pushing their limits.