Guitar Chords Desperado by the Eagles is written in C and serves as an intermediate-level piece. If you utilize a capo with this piece, make sure that it is included in the tab as this will assist guitarists in better comprehending its chords.
Key of C
The Eagles’ song Desperado is in the key of C, which according to theorytab is one of the three most frequently used keys for songs and two most frequently utilized major keys. C is also an ideal key for learning new chords and progressions quickly and efficiently.
This song contains both major and minor chords as well as more unusual ones such as diminished 7ths – stacks of minor 3rds that look something like this: C – Eb – Gb – A. You may not come across these in many chord charts but they can add a jazzy sound!
A 13th chord is another unusual chord; this chord resembles a major seven with its 11th sharpened to create the sound of jazz Lydian dominants. Some musicians might frown upon you playing this chord but it sounds great and is easy to play!
As with four-note chords, four-note triads can often be simplified into triads by playing their root note in one hand while playing its 3rd and 5th scale notes with another hand – this makes them easier to remember and fits into most rhythmic situations nicely. Unfortunately this method may not always work when dealing with chords consisting of more than four notes; when that occurs you should use fretting fingers on top three strings to achieve an acceptable shape.
The Eagles’ Desperado is a straightforward guitar song to learn due to its straightforward melody of two notes. Additionally, written in minor key, this tune makes it even simpler. To master Desperado on guitar follow this free video tutorial and download its TABS from Theorytab; here you can also create beats, songs, musical snippets, chord progression ideas as well as practice songs at different tempos with various accompaniments.
The Eagles’ Desperado is written in G Major. This song boasts greater Chord Complexity and Chord Progression Novelty than average major key songs; visit Theorytab’s Desperado tab to gain all the necessary chord knowledge, names of chords used as well as practice files!
This video by Ayla Tesler-Mabe offers eight essential guitar chords for beginner guitarists. These chords can be seen in many popular songs and should form the cornerstone of any new guitarist’s repertoire.