Guitar Chords For Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace is one of the best-known Christian hymns. Written by John Newton – a former Atlantic Sea slave trader who later came to know Christ – Amazing Grace has become an anthem of Christian faith across many denominations and communities around the globe.

Beginners looking to learn Amazing Grace should start out by performing it in G major using only three chords. This song provides an ideal opportunity to work on rhythm.

Basic Chords

Before moving on to more advanced guitar chords, it is crucial that one understands the fundamentals. Chord progressions provide songs with their rhythm, sound, and feel. Furthermore, learning how to read a chord chart is also vital; on one, horizontal lines represent strings while their spaces between are frets; the thick black block at the top represents the nut while circles or X’s on it indicate whether you play each string or not.

For this lesson, we will learn the chords to Amazing Grace in G major. This song’s melody remains consistent across most arrangements and is easy to memorize. Additionally, G major provides an ideal starting point for beginning guitarists as there is only one flat note – B – making it simpler for novice guitarists to play clean, clear notes without muted sounds that compromise professional musicianship and enjoyment for listeners.

Chord Progression

One of the primary aspects of learning how to play Amazing Grace is understanding its chord progression. Since this song utilizes repetitive chords throughout, beginners should find it much simpler to pick up playing.

An effective way to memorize this progression is using a guitar chord chart. These charts illustrate all the various chords available in any key and how you can navigate between them – this will not only make the song sound more professional but will also strengthen your memory!

Another effective way of practicing chord progressions is through Mississippi John Hurt style fingerpicking of the song. This will enable you to become comfortable with its chord changes while honing rhythmic precision – evoking feelings ranging from tentative to confident depending on how fast and hard the strings strike against one another.


One of the key aspects of any song, apart from chord progressions, is rhythm. Knowing when and where to play each note or string can make all the difference during performances – and practicing slow rhythmic strumming will help you become proficient at this area.

One method for improving strumming hand confidence is by performing duple rhythms. Strum down on every beat and up on second and third beats, known as duple rhythms. Doing this regularly will build your strumming muscle memory over time.

An effective way to develop rhythm is to play each note or string alone, using fingerpicking techniques like those popularized by Mississippi John Hurt-style fingerpicking pace. Doing this will enable you to test whether your fingers are on the appropriate frets or if chord sounds muffled or flat; plus it provides great practice developing different tempos; for instance try playing this version of Amazing Grace at Mississippi John Hurt fingerpicking tempo!

Ear Training

Amazing Grace is an ageless classic that many musicians enjoy learning to play, since its versatility makes it suitable for church services or spiritual gatherings as well as jam sessions.

It is also an ideal song for beginners as only four simple open chords are used – making it simple for them to learn and play along with its singable melody that aids memorization.

When learning chord progressions, it is essential to practice ear training. This involves listening for intervals – distance between two notes such as Amazing Grace’s first two notes which are four notes apart – by practicing intervals you will develop keen relative pitch and enhance overall guitar skills, making learning other songs easier! Ear training is one of the most essential activities a guitarist can do!