Oasis are one of the biggest names in British music today and their iconic hit Wonderwall remains one of their best-selling tracks to this day. Released in 1995, this track has become an anthem and many still sing it today.
Beginner guitarists should find this song relatively straightforward to learn as it only requires learning a few chords and an easy strumming pattern. Just repeat the strum pattern until it becomes second nature – soon you’ll be playing Wonderwall like an expert!
1. G chord
The G chord is an indispensable element in many songs, making its practice all the more helpful. Chances are it will feature thousands of times when playing guitar; to help hone this fundamental, make variations using other shapes as you practice is recommended.
If we remove the first finger from this shape, it becomes a Cadd9 chord, often used in songs by Bob Dylan or AC/DC such as “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”. Although more difficult to fret, this chord works great for switching between G and C chords as both third and fourth fingers support one another when switching.
This technique for playing G chords on an acoustic guitar can also be quite pleasing; your ring finger can stay on the B string to push off open strings more easily and make switching chords simpler. This practice, known as pivoting, is widely utilized among folk guitarists for chord changes.
2. D chord
Beginners often begin with this chord because it’s simple to play and has an appealing sound, helping them get acquainted with open chord shapes and the fretting hand position.
Regaining this shape under your fingers is often the hardest challenge for beginners, so be patient as you work at it. Be wary that any fingers touch strings they should not; for instance, undersides of third fingers often accidentally contact thin strings that stop sounding and require checking regularly to make sure everything sounds as it should.
Once you’ve mastered the D shape, try strumming while listening to Wonderwall. While singing along isn’t necessary yet, hearing music can help reinforce strumming patterns associated with chords quickly while making learning them much more fun! ChordBank’s Chord Coach can give real-time feedback on your playing and help identify correct finger positions for playing chords.
3. Am7 chord
The Am7 chord adds a nice touch to this song and is easy to play – making your guitar sound more unique and interesting while broadening your chord repertoire. Learn it today for maximum potential success!
Before moving on to major chords such as C and D, it is a good idea to practice minor seventh chords first in order to prevent accidental sloppy strumming later.
Once you’ve mastered your chords, take another step by listening to Wonderwall and attempting to play along. Though it will initially prove challenging, this practice will help improve your strumming techniques as well as allow you to memorize this classic song by heart. Remember: practicing is the key to improving fingerings! Eventually this song will feel just like any other!
4. Cadd9 chord
The Cadd9 chord is a C triad with an added ninth note; also referred to as C add 9 or C(add9).
The ninth note adds an air of drama and punch that cannot be accomplished by simply deconstructing a C major chord and replacing its seventh note with a ninth one. It’s easy to see why this chord could make an excellent addition to your guitar playing repertoire.
The Cadd9 first made an appearance in Oasis’ song Wonderwall, lending Noel Gallagher’s vocals a dreamy quality that propelled it to become one of the biggest rock hits ever. Green Day used it again during their graduation staple Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), giving their chord progressions more of an air of melancholic folk storytelling rather than punk rock that defined much of their early work.