Guitar Chords Hey Jude

Guitar Chords To understand music theory, chords can be understood as three notes played simultaneously. As your understanding deepens and your skills advance, more advanced chords with complicated names will become accessible to you.

Barre chords can help build finger strength and stamina while also aiding you in moving up and down the fretboard more easily.


Triads are essential building blocks of chord theory and music theory as a whole, essential for comprehending its basic principles. You will use triads as the basis for learning all major, minor and diminished chords as well as how to assemble them on the fretboard. Triads should also help you recognize triads when listening and playing along to music: you will recognize any songs which include them and understand why their composer put them there!

Triads consist of three notes stacked upon each other to form chords, beginning from their root notes (C, E and G in C major for instance) before increasing by one note at each step until you arrive at G as your chord. Triads can be created regardless of which key they belong in – their composition simply follows this same structure regardless of key.

The quality of chords is determined by the intervals between their roots and third and fifth notes, labeling them major, minor, augmented and diminished according to these intervals. They are then labeled major, minor, augmented and diminished accordingly; for example a C major triad on a staff would appear as C E G while C minor would be written Cmi G on it. Augmented triads feature similar components to major triads but with an additional note added into perfect fifth – also known as major seventh chord; for instance an augmented D chord can be played as D+ or Daug for short.

Knowing and memorizing chord shapes helps you visualize the fretboard, build chords anywhere within a song and learn new keys more quickly. Knowing this information is especially useful when trying to learn new keys.

Deliberately learning to construct triads will also make dissecting and understanding existing chords simpler. If a chord seems difficult to play, try playing it a few different ways so as to identify its roots; once this information has been obtained, look for a triad that contains those notes as roots.

Triads can also be inverted to create unique chords in music. An inverted triad occurs when its third has been moved higher or lower from its original position and this alters both its feel and sound of the chord. Hey Jude by The Beatles provides an ideal example. With many inversions and its multiple keys, it may initially seem challenging. With practice and patience, however, soon enough this classic will be yours! Good luck and enjoy! Dan Farrant founded Hello Music Theory to help students unlock the joy of music since 2012. His education includes degrees from The Royal Academy of Music as well as teaching guitar, piano, bass guitar and double bass lessons.