Like a Rolling Stone is an enjoyable pop song with an accessible acoustic strumming section that makes the tune ideal for beginners to learn to play, as well as avoiding complex chord structures like D minor.
This beginner arrangement uses open C and Dsus2 chords (X33010) which provide an ideal starting point. In addition, hammer-ons with finger 2 add some interest and variation for increased learning potential.
1. G Major
G Major is a great key for beginners learning guitar chords. Being a major scale with only one sharp (F sharp), G Major chords are easy to learn while providing your fingers with an enjoyable workout.
In this key, you will find simple open chords such as G Major, C Major, D Major and A Major as well as simple open triads like G minor 7th. A triad is composed of three notes; these chords form the basis for most songs.
Suspended chords also exist in this key, which are regular triads with one note moved higher or lower to create unique sounds that add another element of complexity to your guitar playing. They add another level of depth that can enhance its playing.
2. A Major
Beginners should start learning A major chords as one of their initial steps to building chords. It serves as a great foundational chord that can be utilized in many songs that feature major chords such as “Happy Birthday,” and other popular tracks using I (G), IV (A), and V (D).
The x symbol beside each fret indicates that you should muted, which means no pressing down with your finger on that fret. On the other hand, numbers indicate which finger should go in which box: index finger goes in first box, middle in second box and ring finger in third.
One way of playing A major is as a power chord. Power chords may take more practice to master as they don’t include the third note of their own chord structure.
3. D Major
The D Major chord is an extremely common chord found in Jazz music. Depending on whether or not it includes its fifth (A), this chord can either be played as major or minor chord.
This chord, commonly referred to as the C shape, can be easily created from an open C chord. Because two of its notes are already available on strings without needing to muted them for learning purposes, a D chord provides an ideal starting point for fingers learning a new instrument.
Once you master fingering this shape, begin switching back and forth from other chords while strumming each note as they ring out – this will build muscle memory so you can play any chord at any time!
4. E Major
E Major is often one of the first chords a beginner guitarist learns, used extensively across rock, pop and country songs. From Beach Boys pop sounds to more traditional country sounds – E Major chords should form part of any guitarist’s arsenal.
E chords, like all Major chords, are composed of three notes (triad), with its root note in E being two white notes above D on the fretboard.
House Of The Rising Sun from Bob Dylan’s 1975 album Blood On The Tracks features an easy E chord progression and strumming pattern for any beginner guitarist to learn!
5. F Major
The F chord is one of the most ubiquitous chords in music, featuring prominently everywhere from “La Bamba” to Bob Dylan’s song, “Like a Rolling Stone”. However, its complexity may make learning it difficult; your first finger must remain barred across all four strings while second and third fingers only need to play one string each.
With some practice and flashcards at your side, soon enough you will be strumming this chord effortlessly. Additionally, learning to transition smoothly between chords will make playing much simpler!
Start out playing these cards against an F chord, then gradually advance through C and A major scales for an additional challenge in hand strength and coordination development. Finally, return back to F chord and repeat this process again!