Guitar Chords Maker

guitar chords maker

Guitar Chords Maker is an intuitive, quick, and effective tool for creating acoustic and electric guitar chord progressions quickly and efficiently. Save a sequence of chords as a Chord-Progression and listen back anytime!

Each chord consists of at least three notes. Green circles indicate where your fingers should go when playing each note, with blank circles signaling that no strings should be played and crosses (Xs) meaning muted notes.

Easy to use

Guitar chords makers are an invaluable resource for guitarists seeking to explore new songs or hone old favorites. It allows users to create chord progressions and play them using a virtual guitar simulator; additionally, fingerings for each chord can also be displayed. Furthermore, users may select their chords and save them as favorites for easy access later.

Keep in mind that using a chord generator plugin should not be considered as a “cheat code” or replacement for understanding music theory; rather, it should be seen as an effective tool that can quickly unlock creativity and help overcome songwriting blocks.

Ripchord is a free MIDI plugin that enables users to generate and remix chord progressions with any MIDI file, offering community presets and expansion packs as well as simple editing tools to help customize songs for guitar, bass, piano and drums.

Easy to learn

Use this online tool to easily create chord progressions. Create and save a chord chart for later use, though its functionality isn’t quite as comprehensive. Registration is recommended in order to keep your charts permanently saved.

E minor guitar chord is one of the easiest beginner chords to learn. To play it properly, keep your fingers vertical from their first knuckle and turned sideways, so they don’t converge together and mutes any other strings. Also keep the palm of your fretting hand away from its first string when fretting this chord.

Explore more complex chords by crafting your own voicings. These techniques will give your playing an entirely new sound that will take it to the next level and add depth and melody to your songs. Also experiment with rhythms and arpeggiation for optimal rhythm playing!

Save your own tabs

With guitar chords maker, you can create and share your own tabs. Furthermore, custom chord shortcuts enable quick entry of specific chord or string combinations; palm muting indication can even be customized and palm muted lyrics added for an authentic jazz chart style look! You can select styles ranging from serif to sans serif font and even handwritten jazz chart style lyrics!

If you need to modify a note or chord in a tab, just click on the fretboard and the editor will present a new view that simulates what would be seen if playing physically. From here you can drag-and-drop chords for rearrangement, or remove one entirely if necessary.

Once your tabs are edited, sharing them with friends is simple using GuitarTapp’s ‘copy link to share’ feature. Just be mindful that synchronizing via Dropbox won’t show up within GuitarTapp – they only require an internet connection!

Save your favorite chords

This chord progression maker is an invaluable tool for those trying to hone both their compositional skills and instrumental talent. It displays each chord name along with visual cues of its location on both an acoustic (left handed) guitar fretboard as well as electric (right handed). If you would like more information about any specific type of chord, simply click “more.” This will display additional variations such as inversions of that particular chord on their respective fretboards.

Cthulhu, named after a fictional underwater “cosmic entity,” can provide invaluable assistance with harmonic structures. This app takes away the guesswork associated with chord progression writing by suggesting numerous options while you compose songs, making for an effortless workflow when combined with Spire Studio as an acoustic recording device to write and record more efficiently than ever. Try your free trial of Spire Pro which offers automatic noise removal as well as upgraded intelligent audio processing!

Guitar chords maker is a program that helps guitarists create visual diagrams of chords on their guitar. These diagrams typically include both chord shapes and fingerings for easy learning or practice purposes. Furthermore, guitar chords maker allows guitarists to learn new chords as well as improve existing ones.

Guitar chords are constructed using musical intervals. Major and minor triads combine third intervals into triadic structures; dominant seventh chords add quadratal and quintal harmonies for extra harmonic support in major-minor harmony.


There are different types of chords depending on your level of reach on the guitar neck. Each chord type has unique finger placement and sound characteristics; for instance, D chord has lower tones than G chord due to frequency being one fifth of pitch (see: musical key).

Musicians use keys to help identify which chords harmonize and to determine the key of songs. Understanding chord progressions within specific keys enables musicians to develop their ear as well as enhance their songwriting abilities.

One method for identifying the key of a song is by looking at its first and last chords, which will indicate whether it falls under major or minor keys. A music chord chart can also help identify this information since it shows how chords connect across all major and minor keys.


A chord is any collection of notes played simultaneously on two or more strings, strummed together. Depending on its context in music, its name may change accordingly; our tool automatically finds this name by clicking on the guitar fretboard and identifying which strings were pressed together to produce this chord.

As a beginner guitarist, it may be easiest to start out using standard tuning of E, A, D, G and B as most songs use this. Furthermore, this is easier on your fingers/hands while learning guitar.

Remember to focus on learning all of the natural (non-flat) notes on ONE string before moving onto another string. Otherwise, learning it all at once would prove too challenging and you may end up not being able to finger all chords properly – starting from thickest E string may help!


Frets are small metal strips that divide the fretboard into individual positions for strings, and your choice can have an immense influence on both its sound and playability.

Frets come in all different widths and heights. Some manufacturers even provide codes for specific fret sizes like jumbo, medium, or low frets. As a general guideline, wider frets (jumbo) typically provide better sustain than thin or short frets.

Some players claim they can hear differences in intonation between frets of different heights; however, this claim is typically subjective and requires two identical guitars with identical setups playing chords under identical conditions. It could also simply be worn-out frets requiring recrowning.

At its core, fret levelling and good condition is of utmost importance for optimal chord sounding as well as learning the fretboard.


Guitar chord diagrams offer guitarists a visual representation of the fretboard and strings, along with information regarding note names, fret numbers, fingerings and finger placement for every chord they are playing. This allows guitarists to easily read and interpret what chords they are playing while providing visual aids that enable easy reading of those chords that they play.

Example of C major chord: To identify its components, look at its fretboard map and observe that its letter names appear alphabetically; C and E will be two alphabetic steps apart in pitch and thus three notes apart on this scale.

Learning chord theory involves understanding intervals as a foundational element. Intervals provide insight into why different chords sound differently; such as that between a major and minor triad – with the former having more upbeat, happy notes than its counterpart.

Guitar chords are composed of at least three notes played simultaneously. To form a chord, these notes must fall at precise intervals based on their root note’s pitch.

As opposed to woodwind and brass instruments, guitars allow musicians to simultaneously play multiple notes at the same time – this makes chord construction much simpler for guitarists.

Easy to use

Create and store guitar chords quickly by simply clicking on their names. Select your finger placement preferences for optimal sounding chords when played live on an electronic guitar before creating repeatable variations by regenerating chords.

Chord AI uses cutting-edge AI to automatically generate chords and beats for your song, saving you the hassle of searching online. Once created, you can practice playing them yourself or listen to them to understand how they should be played.

Stochas is an open-source step sequencer that can sequence both virtual and hardware instruments, generate drum loops for you, and provide simple user interaction and high sound quality – making it perfect for beginners as well as providing creative inspiration! Plus it works great on any instrument (ukulele included!).

Easy to store

ChordsVault is an exceptional platform designed for musicians of all levels. You can design and share accurate chords for fretted instruments like guitar, bass, banjo and ukulele; additionally it provides features to help write songs and transpose them to different keys.

No matter if you are working on a new song or just playing for fun, storing progressions is easy and intuitive. Simply press the database button to access them, where you can rename, delete or move them around as necessary. Furthermore, special character _ can help divide each bar into multiple chords for easier management.

You can select different roots and types for each chord displayed, giving you access to additional voicings or inversions. The app automatically shows right-handed versions for you to play; if necessary, switching left-handed can save time when transcribing songs or practicing chord progressions.

Easy to share

Guitar chords maker allows you to quickly and easily create song chord charts for both acoustic and electric guitar, providing musicians with a useful tool for learning new songs or sharing their work with others. It is simple and requires no prior knowledge of music theory.

From the dropdown menus, you can select both root and type and click’more’ to view additional chords that fit with these criteria – these could include inversions and voicings of your chosen chord.

This app also has a strum mode that plays notes rapidly like when strumming a guitar, or plays chords that repeat over and over.

ChordsVault is an incredible platform that gives musicians of all levels the ability to design, share and transcribe songs for any fretted instrument. Boasting an intuitive design tool set and transpose capabilities that support any key or tuning system – ChordsVault should be essential tool in their repertoire!

Easy to learn

No matter whether you are a gigging musician, song writer, music teacher, busker or busker; Guitar Chords Maker provides easy-to-use chord and rhythm editing tools and powerful support to facilitate your performance. Quickly generate chord progressions for any song quickly while sharing them easily with students or bandmates.

The app uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to identify raw fingering shapes of any chord and determine how these can be played on stringed instruments. With this information in hand, it then generates a set of tuples for each chord that can be played on any string; including inversions and drop 2-4 voicings for every possible chord voicing option.

The app also offers alternate tunings that make chord shapes simpler to play – major-thirds tuning removes the need for your left hand to span multiple frets while all-fourths and augmented-fifths tunings make dominant seventh chords simpler – all features that make learning any song and improving guitar playing skills a breeze!