Guitar Chords – Ventura Highway by America

Ventura Highway by America was an immensely catchy song from their 1970s album Homecoming written by Dewey Bunnell and one of America’s signature numbers from that decade.

This song’s primary objective is to transition smoothly from fills to chords and back again, noting that F#m and Em chords resemble G6 chords musically.


The G6 chord is an extension of the standard G major chord that adds an additional sixth note for an emotive sound and smooth transitions between other chords. You’ll often hear it used in popular songs like Ventura Highway by America where this chord can be heard as part of its soundscape.

To play a G6 chord, place your index finger on the third fret of the first string, middle finger on second string and ring finger on fourth string; and ensure each note rung out clearly by strumming all six strings together.

Strumming the G6 chord in various rhythms will help develop timing and coordination – two vital skills when playing guitar.


Dmaj7 chord can be used in various musical genres and styles. Its major characteristic differentiates it from minor chords, giving an upbeat sound. Dmaj7 can also be found used within jazz music to create interesting progressions with other chords.

Dmaj7 is one of the easiest guitar chords to learn, as it fits nicely into most songs and is simple to master. To begin learning it, practice each note individually for clarity and tone before progressing onto practicing transitioning smoothly between notes.

To create a Dmaj7 chord, you will need to play both its root note and fifth of its major scale – these notes are often referred to as the “root position”.


F minor chord is an iconic folk music staple and often appears when played together with Ab and C minor chords – making this an excellent chord to practice with friends!

F sharp minor is a three-note chord known as a triad. Due to its melancholic and mournful sound, F sharp minor chords have long been used in songs designed to elicit these emotions. Furthermore, F sharp minor is considered the relative minor of A major.

F Sharp Minor Guitar Chord for Beginners The standard F sharp minor chord can be difficult to play as it requires precise finger placement and string mutes to sound correctly, posing challenges to beginners who may lack sufficient hand strength to hold down all three strings simultaneously.


Ventura Highway by Dewey Bunnell stands as an inspiring and upbeat example of great songwriting that stems from simple chord structures.

On the original recording, the rhythm guitar track is performed by one guy playing a simple rhythm pattern. Most people would likely find this challenging if singing is also part of their focus or they want to add additional embellishments or modifications.

As such, I’ve included an alternative Guitar Tab without the Gmaj7 chord; just replace it with G chord to achieve the same result. Keep a steady beat when playing as this song uses 4/4 time signature chords.


The open C chord is often one of the first guitar chords learned by beginners. Not only is it useful in many songs, but it provides a solid basis for understanding other chords and music theory.

Major chords consist of the root, 3rd, and 5th notes from their corresponding scale, while minor chords add an additional note; typically a flattened 7th (major sixth), known as color tones – to any chord voicing for extra flair.

This C chord is composed by shifting an E major open string chord up eight frets on the neck (figure 8). You may mutes its low E string with your thumb to deaden its sound if desired; however, doing this makes it more challenging to produce clear sound from all six strings simultaneously.