Jobs That Require Playing Piano

Piano players have many career options open to them that allow them to showcase their abilities, from composing music for video games or film soundtracks, to performing as session pianist at hotels, bars or restaurants.

Session musicians are frequently hired as session players when performing with singers or bands on tour, or can collaborate with composers in creating songs.


Millions of children and adults worldwide take piano lessons, usually as an enjoyable hobby to enrich their soul and make them happier and smarter. But some take piano performances seriously enough to pursue professional careers as piano musicians; performing solo at concerts or with groups while also writing music can become highly competitive fields; it takes years of hard work before one reaches the top.

Word-of-mouth and networking are the key ingredients to finding work as a composer, so make sure you are present at networking events, auditions and contests as well as joining musician associations to promote yourself and find work. A good education in music production should also help to establish you as an outstanding composer who can write in any style imaginable.

Some composers specialize in film or TV music composition for actors and singers or as an orchestral score. This requires an intricate understanding of musical notation as well as being able to elicit emotions using just a note or chord progression. Other composers write music for orchestral groups or other instrumentalists which must be carefully written so the musicians know exactly what to do; some composers become very wealthy during their careers but getting there may take more effort than expected.

Another option for pianists is teaching music at universities. Teaching can be an amazing way to share your passion for piano playing with students while earning a living with your teaching skills and creating a reliable source of income.

Pianists can also find work as piano accompanists. This demanding role requires extensive knowledge of both piano and other instruments; some jobs may be available through artist management companies while others might come through orchestras or music organizations.

As piano students may find enjoyment composing their own works, other careers that might suit pianists include record label executiveship, music journalism or organizing musical events. Although these jobs don’t yield as much income than composing, they allow you to be creative while working in an enjoyable atmosphere.

Session musician

Session musicians are hired on an interim basis to provide musical skills for songs, demos, demo reels, advertising music and film scores. They may also be hired to accompany singers and other performers onstage. Although session musicians typically play multiple instruments simultaneously, most specialize in one rhythm section instrument such as guitar or bass and may specialize in particular genres or styles of music such as rock, jazz classical boogie-woogie.

If you want to become a session musician, the first step should be obtaining a bachelor’s degree in music performance. This will equip you with all of the knowledge and experience that will allow you to begin your career successfully. When selecting your degree program focus it should focus on your preferred musical instruments. Furthermore it is wise to join as many musical groups and bands during high school which will enable networking among musicians as well as developing your professional portfolio of performances.

Establishing yourself as a session musician may be challenging, but it’s important to remember that the process takes time and requires effort. Prove yourself as an adept pianist while building relationships within the band – once this has happened it should become much simpler to secure gigs and more opportunities to play!

Sessions tend to be short-term events that last anywhere between one day and several weeks. Their flexibility means they can take place anywhere; some artists even hire session musicians to accompany them on tour or record in the studio; the work may involve playing an existing song of theirs that has already been recorded or creating something entirely new from scratch.

Being a session musician isn’t always an easy job, but those passionate about their craft may find it rewarding. Aside from musical talent, session musicians must also possess exceptional reliability and people skills as there may be periods during live sessions when there’s downtime between parts being needed; no one wants to spend that time waiting around with someone they dislike!

Event pianist

Event pianists are an incredibly fulfilling career for anyone who loves music. These musicians can perform at weddings, corporate functions, cocktail parties and private dinners and offer customized songs to create an unforgettable atmosphere at these events.

Piano players can find gigs by applying to online booking platforms that match musicians with events. They may also approach venues directly and inquire about performing for them. Pianists may wish to create their own website where they can showcase their talents – this can help build loyal followings while expanding their business.

Start out as an event pianist by applying to local community theaters’ musical productions. They may need someone to accompany chorus and choir singing or lead congregational singing at church services – an invaluable opportunity to meet people and gain experience within the entertainment industry.

Concert pianist performance can be both challenging and demanding, and requires extensive practice. Achieve success involves having an in-depth knowledge of the music you are playing as well as being able to read music well, plus knowing when it is your turn to lead or follow.

Many event pianists bring their own instrument – typically an electric keyboard that is easy to transport – while some may also be able to play acoustic pianos at venues that provide them. Pianists should inquire ahead about any equipment at the venue as well as discuss any dress codes with event organizers before starting performances.

Pianists typically set up in 15-30 minutes, depending on whether or not they need to retune or adjust their sound output. A quiet area free from noisy distractions should provide ample space for movement. In addition, providing them with bottled water, tea/coffee/biscuits may be suitable, depending on how long their performance lasts. Providing them with food could also be necessary depending on its length.

Music store owner

Many people dream of becoming professional pianists. Though this might seem impossible, some individuals do actually make their living playing piano or another musical instrument full-time or part time; many jobs include teaching piano lessons and selling instruments while there is also potential for musicians to become music therapists, which can be highly fulfilling experiences.

One way that pianists can make money as musicians is to provide musical entertainment at weddings, receptions and other special events. While this type of work requires significant preparation and practice from both pianists and clients alike, it can also provide them with great rewards! Performing at these occasions provides opportunities to build up clientele networks while building your income potential.

One way for musicians to earn a living as musicians is teaching music at schools, colleges or universities. Teaching piano can be rewarding as it provides steady income while simultaneously building new skills – though pay can differ depending on experience and location.

Music store owners offer musical instruments and gear to musicians and enthusiasts. Their responsibility includes creating an inviting store environment and managing operations efficiently while helping customers express their musical creativity. While this can be lucrative venture, it is crucial to stay aware of seasonal trends which affect revenue streams and earnings streams within their respective industry sectors.

Whoever is looking to start their own music store should first do research into their local market to ascertain which products and services are in demand, then learn how to form their company as either a sole proprietorship, partnership, or LLC entity. Finally, they must create an online presence for their business and begin marketing music-related products and services.

If you want to become a piano performer, training and being able to read musical notation are both key skills. Furthermore, understanding how to tune and prepare a piano for performances are also helpful as are other musical disciplines like dance and vocals. Furthermore, attending piano workshops and seminars to enhance your abilities may further your efforts in becoming an excellent pianist performer.