Learn Guitar Chords Yellow Submarine

guitar chords yellow submarine

Yellow Submarine is an upbeat song with simple chords to learn on guitar – perfect for beginning guitarists! Just six simple chords make up this upbeat tune that offers hours of musical fun!

The Beatles recorded this track during their Revolver sessions – a period when experimentation in the studio was encouraged.


A chord is composed of several notes played together that form an interval (a series of successive musical pitches). Guitars and pianos can produce multi-timbral chords by simultaneously playing more than one note at once.

A major chord is composed of three notes, including a root note and two additional tones that are added above it. There are four main kinds of major chords – major, minor, diminished and augmented.

Advanced players may benefit from using altered chords like E7#9 and add9 which are simply seventh chords with an additional ninth interval thrown in above them – perfect for creating unique sounds when playing alongside bass guitarists.

Another advanced chord, known as a sus4 chord, replaces the third note in a major or minor scale with its fourth note – perfect when played immediately before or after another major or minor chord!


The Beatles’ 1966 single, “Yellow Submarine”, marked a change from their usual love songs by featuring overdubbing for nautical sounds effects, party ambience and chorus singing. It is one of the earliest tracks featuring such technology.

Song imagery and lyrics have generated much discussion, such as fans believing the yellow submarine resembled a pill capsule and that any reference to Nembutal in the song represented an endorsement of drugs.

This song’s guitar chords are relatively straightforward, making it one of the easier Beatles songs to learn on guitar. To perfect its timing, start out slowly before gradually increasing it until reaching recorded tempo – starting slow can also help your strumming pattern develop more efficiently, or use this song as an opportunity to practice finger-picking techniques and increase left-hand independence.


Utilizing guitar tabs is an excellent way to quickly acquire songs and chord progressions on guitar, but it is imperative that you understand their numbers as this will allow you to avoid mistakes while making your playing more authentic.

Guitar chords are typically written using Roman Numbers, which indicate which strings to fret while also showing how the chord should be voiced. A tab can help guide players in an alternate tuning.

Two key chords you’ll need to learn are Am and E major. Marty shows you how to play both chords using the same hand shape – saving both time and muscle memory for these chords! Additionally, you will learn how to improve your strumming pattern so that it fits the beat of a song recording more seamlessly and making playing along easier than ever before!


There are various videos online to assist with learning guitar chords Yellow Submarine. When starting out, focus on getting tight and consistent chords sounding tight while using various strumming patterns such as pick or fingerstyle strumming depending on your personal preferences and start slowly and work up towards recorded speed. This song has also received various interpretations; particularly during anti-Vietnam War protests where it often serves as a political statement; code for drugs like Nembutal as well as being seen as symbol of escape and freedom from oppressive regimes alike – making Yellow Submarine an iconic tune which has had multiple interpretations which serve to communicate meaning through its lyrics which make up this timeless classic!