Learn the Major Chords on the Guitar Chart

minor chords guitar chart

A chord chart is one of the essential tools for learning guitar, providing insight into how chords are constructed as well as showing where they form on the fretboard.

This article will focus on minor chords. These are an integral part of any scale and it is wise to become acquainted with them early.


The Cm7 chord is an expressive, soft-sounding minor chord that can elicit various emotions and sentiments, from somber passion to heartbreaking sadness – making it ideal for songs about longing or loss.

Cm7 chords on guitar can be played using various techniques, including using the barre technique. By barring your index finger across a fret, a higher-pitched sound for Cm7 is created.

Try playing this voicing with just two fingers if muting is difficult for you – angle your pinky so that your fingers touch four strings instead – regular practice will improve your ability to mute and play these notes without error.


The Dm7 chord is one of the most widely recognized minor seventh chords. It can add depth and variety to blues songs and can even be seen in jazz, funk, or soul music styles.

This chord comes in both open position and barre positions, giving you plenty of voicing options that best suit your playing style and the song being performed. Pick one that works for you!

Dm7 can be an intricate chord to master, but it isn’t impossible. For optimal results, consider learning some muting techniques as part of your arsenal.


Em7 chord is an engagingly intricate-sounding chord, yet surprisingly accessible for beginners. There are various techniques you can employ when playing Em7 in open position – many allow for creating rich and complex sounds without compromising accuracy and precision.

Em7 chord isn’t like other major and minor triads in that it doesn’t require specific finger placement to form; therefore, there’s no specific finger position needed when playing it.

Play Em7 by placing your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the C string and your ring finger on the 2nd fret of A string, respectively. Alternatively, strum down from top E string letting other strings ring open for a more delicate sound.

Play a version of Em7 on the 12th fret for an intricate sound that might prove difficult to master; yet this voicing adds depth and life to both hard-hitting funk songs and upbeat pop tunes.


Gm7 chord is one of the lesser-used minor chords, yet it adds significant impact to any song. Additionally, using it expands your guitar vocabulary and gives your playing more complexity.

Gm7 chord can be found in G minor key and uses the same interval structure as Cm7. There are 7 possible voicings/fret configurations so there are numerous ways you can play it.

Gm7 barre chords can be an ideal way for beginners and intermediate players to explore barre chords without excessive finger pressure on their fingers. Be mindful when practicing barre chords; practicing can be tough!


The A7 chord is one of the most frequently utilized minor chords in guitar music. This chord can be found across many genres such as blues and jazz.

To play an A7 chord, use your first finger to strike open strings at the fifth fret with its tips; your second finger may also be used for strumming this chord.

A7 chords, commonly referred to as dominant 7th chords, adds another tone to a major triad. Usually this tone occurs seven steps from its root location within its respective scale.

Understanding the relationships of chords across multiple keys is vital in choosing appropriate chords to use when creating progressions. The chart above displays these relationships so you can select those which work well together.