Nepali Songs For Beginners

guitar chords nepali songs

Are You New to Guitar Playing? Here Are Songs to Get You Started (PDF Format). These tracks use simple chord progressions and strumming patterns that will help get your started playing guitar.

This folk song is an ideal introduction to playing basic chords for beginners, featuring only five chords – yet is still enjoyable and exciting to play!

1. G to C

G-to-C chord progressions are frequently found in folk songs due to being easy on the ear due to being composed of four perfect fourth intervals that bridge from C to the next lowest G.

A C/G chord, also referred to as a slash chord (though unrelated to Guns N Roses), is simply a regular C major chord with an unusual bass note – in this instance G rather than C – for added complexity and more finger travel required than its C counterpart, yet still relatively straightforward and accessible.

2. C to G

Beginners need to become adept at playing the c to g chord. Its simplicity and utility in transposing songs into flat/sharp keys make it invaluable. Furthermore, less finger movement when switching chords will increase efficiency and effectiveness significantly.

Chords form triads, composed of intervals. Major triads have an upbeat tone while minor ones create melancholic tones; all part of guitar chord theory you will eventually learn.

3. C to D

The first chord you should attempt is C major. This open chord requires playing all five strings together with fingers that come close to being vertical when striking strings – although this may take practice before becoming second nature. Accuracy and dexterity in your right-hand must also be developed over time for successful performance.

C/D chords resemble D7 dominant 7th chords but are actually made up of C major played over D. These C/D chords may sometimes be called slash chords although technically speaking they don’t qualify.

4. D to E

Chord progressions are an integral component of most songs, and understanding basic chords is an essential skill. But musicians don’t restrict themselves to one set of major scale chords – often altering and harmonizing with different shapes for harmony purposes.

Therefore, even though you might see chord shapes labeled D5 or Bb5, they could actually be played using Dadd9/E as its chord name (where E is for bass note).

This example serves to show how even slight adjustments of one chord can alter its sound completely. For maximum efficiency on the fretboard, root notes should be kept close together for easier playability.

5. E to F

The F chord can be difficult for new guitarists, yet there are several variations available to make it much simpler and less of a struggle.

One variation on this chord involves muting the low E and A strings – something beginner guitar players may find challenging due to increased finger strength needed. As another alternative, try playing it using only your middle finger on the 3rd fret of D string instead of full barre F chord – this version produces lighter sounding bass notes yet still contains all its core notes.

6. F to G

This song requires some hard work in order to play well, as you’ll need to rely on your little finger extensively. Be sure to practice slowly and take breaks between sessions; doing this will strengthen the muscle in your little finger, helping you switch chords cleanly when the time comes.

Bob Marley created this song using C, F and G chords to create an upbeat summer anthem. Perfect for parties and gatherings with family and friends! Note that the F chord uses a smaller barre for easy playing – simply press down on thinnest strings!

7. G to C

This song exudes an air of seriousness and melancholy. Using a minor chord to enhance its emotional impact, as well as employing a popular pop guitar technique called an E minor/B slash chord – making the interval between chords shorter than usual as only four frets are involved – gives this tune its solemn atmosphere.

This song is perfect for playing around a campfire. An upbeat folk tune, it makes an excellent introduction for beginning guitarists. Plus, its lively chudkey beat adds even more vibrancy!