The Difference Between Death Metal and Brash Death Metal

Death metal bands tend to glorify violence and horror in their lyrics, often drawing upon Z-grade horror movie violence as inspiration, while also delving into Satanism, the Occult and other darker subjects.

Death metal music is characterized by heavy distorted guitar riffs, blast beats and guttural vocals. Modern death metal bands such as Carcass and Suffocation have broken new boundaries in terms of speed, technical virtuosity and brutally growling vocal delivery.


Death metal vocals tend to be harsh and guttural, adding an additional savageness to the genre. For optimal vocal production in death metal music, singers must utilize their entire body when producing these sounds to ensure a natural and powerful result. When singing these tracks live it’s essential that their throat relaxes so noise comes from deep within their diaphragm; additionally they must practice creating multiple vocal expressions through breath control techniques as well as practicing their range of expressions with live recording session engineers or studio engineer’s recording live vocal tracks while playing live so they can experiment with different sounds to see which work best with each band member’s performances live while recording vocal tracks live allows them to experiment with various sounds while finding which ones work best.

Death metal bands typically consist of two guitarists, a bassist and drummer playing extremely fast together using techniques such as palm mutting and tremolo picking; often using low-tuned guitars with palm muting effects and hyper double bass blast beats from their drummer; abrupt tempo changes, count changes and morbid lyrics are hallmarks of death metal music that many critics view as glorifying violence and sexual perversion.

Death metal’s characteristic growl can range from an intense guttural grunt to ear-piercing shrieks, demanding both strong vocals and lung capacity for maximum effect. Snarling vocal delivery has long been associated with black metal; bands such as God Dethroned, Behemoth and Belphegor utilize this form of vocal delivery; however bands like Suffocation and Dying Fetus are known for delivering aggressive performances using this style of vocal delivery.

As singers reach higher notes, they must frequently pull back on their mouth to protect their vocal cords from straining or straining them too much. Reverberation can add depth and sonic intensity to vocal tracks; however, too much reverb can muddy vocals unless used intentionally for dramatic effect. It is best to limit how often this technique is employed on vocal tracks.

Modern bands such as Mercenary have taken an innovative and melodic approach to death metal music, evidenced by their latest album ‘Deceit and Desire.’ Still incorporating elements typical of classic death metal songs but using more subtle musical elements like melody to add variety. Blackened death metal is an increasingly popular subgenre that blends fast, heavy death metal sounds with some fluid melodic characteristics of black metal; popular examples are Gorgoth, Zyklon and Vital Remains bands who specialize in this style of blackened death metal music.


Death metal may seem like another boring subgenre of heavy music, but this album proves otherwise. The band takes everything that makes death metal harsh while adding their own distinctive style – chunkier riffs and deeper vocals for example – while creating an overall sound with more dirtiness that stands out as something different than other albums in this subgenre. This makes this record stand out as an exceptional take on what can often become formulaic genres like this one.

An excellent example of this would be an introduction riff using diminished scales to create a heavy sound, followed by verse or bridge-type riffs, followed by another that could either serve as verse or bridge, then another which typically acts as chorus but this time around uses distortion bass and octaves for more of a death metal feel. After which comes another chorus-style riff which uses power chord technique where guitar plays full power chords while pedal note plays the same root notes but lower octave giving this song an immense and heavy sound which just regular power chords alone can’t manage.

Death metal drumming tends to be much faster than its rock counterpart and features compositions with different structures than what one might find elsewhere; this is because death metal, like black metal and classical music before it, uses music as a medium for conveying feelings of hatred and violence through musical compositions.

For this, they employ various techniques, including chromaticism, tritones, and minor thirds. This helps give their songs a distinct sense of dread and tension not present in other styles of music.

Death metal bands frequently incorporate growling vocals as an element of their vocal style, often misinterpreted as vocal fry screaming but actually comprising three parts: false chord screaming, glottal noise and actual death growls.


Death metal rhythms tend to be fast and repetitive with drum machines triggering blast beats to create blast beats that pound out harsh and distorted rhythms. Additionally, drummers employ techniques like palm muting and tremolo picking in order to produce harsher and distorted beats. Guitars in this genre of music are typically heavily down tuned, played using various riffing styles and techniques such as tremolo picking, palm mutes and string bends. Genre characteristics for this style include intricate song structures with ever-shifting time signatures played at tremendous speeds, vocals that range from growling, roaring or shrieking and lyrics that center around anger, hate, gore or death; making this subgenre of metal one of its most distinctive subgenres.

While some may find the content of this genre offensive, there are plenty of bands who make it sound pretty awesome. Although its sound may initially be difficult to get used to and requires advanced musicianship skills for its production; those adept at producing it, however, can make it sound almost melodic; with top bands having created musical storms both technically challenging and catchy!

Brutal death metal, an offshoot of death metal that emerged in the mid ’80s by bands looking to increase frantic drumming, faster riffing and extreme subject matter. While early Death, Possessed and Morbid Angel all sound similar, later pioneers such as Suffocation, Entombed, Necrophobic and Belphegor emphasized more brutal rhythms with deep guttural vocals that set this genre apart.

Cryptopsy’s music added a melodic edge to death metal in the mid ’90s, leading to its current designation of technical death metal or “tech-death.” Some bands within this subgenre create songs with fast tempos that sound like musical fireworks while simultaneously showing off band members’ speed and music theory knowledge.

Death metal bands usually feature two guitarists, a bass player and a drummer using a double bass drum pedal as its core lineup. Other instruments may also be added such as ebows and keyboards to round out this genre’s sound.


Death metal music typically involves four components, including a bassist, two guitarists employing techniques such as palm muting and tremolo picking, and a drummer playing a hyper-fast double bass beat. Additionally, bass guitars tend to be tuned lower than usual and highly distorted guitars may also be present; certain bands may employ additional musicians such as keyboardists or organists for added texture and ambience.

Death metal music often features harsh and harsh vocals with screeches or high-pitched growls that often tackle extreme themes of violence, dismemberment and mutilation in its lyrics. Death metal’s violent aesthetic often serves as an outlet for anger or frustration and provides an avenue for self-expression through music.

Death metal bands frequently explore Satanism, Occultism or Mysticism with their lyrics. Additionally to violence, many death metal songs also explore necrophilia and cannibalism – often detailing these extreme acts to create an atmosphere of terror and disgust.

Some bands have abandoned the brutality of death metal altogether and focused on its melodic aspects instead. This genre is known as Melodic Death Metal, with Entombed, Bloodbath, AEon Vomitory & Lik being key innovators of this style of music. Some bands even combine both elements into their sound: melodic as well as brutal elements are present within their songs.

As death metal’s popularity increased, new subgenres emerged. One such sub-genre, called “Brutal Death Metal”, emerged to combine its more brutal aspects. It can often be identified by faster tempos, abrupt count and tempo changes and extremely fast drumming; bands performing this style may also incorporate complex rhythms that may be difficult for some listeners to bear.

Deathcore is an increasingly popular variation on death metal that blends the breakdowns and violence associated with hardcore punk with growling, pig-squealing vocals of death metal. Some have even compared Deathcore to grindcore; other critics believe it demonstrates how metal genres often morph into one another over time.