The Music Obsessive

Music enthusiasts take an avid interest in musical releases and have amassed an extensive music library.

Music lovers tend to have an appreciation for all genres of music and frequently perform on at least one musical instrument themselves – this passion sets them apart from others.


People often believe that their musical tastes reveal something about their personalities. Some research indicates a correlation between personality traits and musical preferences; however, results of studies on this topic vary widely.

Are You a Classical Music Lover? Chances are if you love classical music, chances are that you are an introvert who finds peace within themselves and high self-esteem. Although you might not enjoy socializing as much with other classical music enthusiasts like yourself as your peers might do, but instead enjoy sharing this passion together – particularly if performing yourself.

An elegant present for any classical music enthusiast in your life would be a CD or vinyl record of their favorite piece, headphones or speakers to listen to their favorites, or an invitation to see live performance at an area concert hall or music venue.

Pop, rock, or rap music fans tend to be quite outgoing people. You enjoy dancing and possess a strong sense of social responsibility; but can sometimes be self-absorbed or too focused on yourself. Although typically optimistic in temperament, this person could occasionally have their nerves frazzled as well. Fans of The Offspring, Arctic Monkeys or Ramones tend to have an unconventional side where emotions run deep – these bands bring out those qualities within.

Reggae, soul, or hip hop fans tend to be outgoing people with liberal political leanings who tend to be creative but are not as hardworking or gentle as fans of other styles of music such as folk or jazz music – however these genres also boast creative fans with deep spiritual ties.

Whatever genre of music you enjoy – be it indie, country or dance – chances are high that you are an intelligent individual with an adventurous streak and great social skills. As well as this, you may need an outlet through music to express yourself or simply a unique means of connecting with people around you.


Modernism first arose as an artistic response to the upheavals of late 19th and early 20th century Europe, specifically Germany and France. At that time, artists challenged academic art’s strictures while exploring various isms – secessionism, cubism, futurism and expressionism among them – that make categorizing modernism impossible.

Composers from both established and emerging composers aimed for complete artistic freedom during this era, creating music free from any system that might stifle creativity and ultimately limit or kill it. Through their efforts they created many wonderful and masterful works which continue to be performed even today.

There are still those who think modernist works are meaningless and devoid of real significance, suffering from what C. S. Lewis referred to as chronological snobbery: they deny our past’s legacy while looking with sadness toward an uncertain future they inherited from it.

Mauceri’s book represents an all-out effort to halt this tragic trend by offering novel yet significant avenues of significance for music deemed incomprehensible or beyond human comprehension. He defines meaningful pathways leading toward its deeper significance for future audiences of classical concerts.

Tom Wolfe’s The Painted Word offers a similar challenge, demonising Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg of modern art criticism as examples. It serves as an urgent call-to-arms for those of us who believe that “in Apollo’s house are many mansions”, including Beethoven, Wagner, as well as unexpected gems from younger neomodernist composers.

Music Obsessives

Music Obsessed individuals are passionate supporters of their favorite band or artist. They know every lyric to every song on their playlist and love telling others about them. Concert-goers may attend them when the setting and price are suitable; otherwise they tell friends, family and even strangers on public transit about who their idols are – this passionate music fan always looking out for new bands or artists to listen to!

Musical Obsessions

People suffering from musical obsession often describe intrusive melodies or tunes they can’t seem to shake from their minds, an experience known as involuntary musical imagery (INMI). Sometimes this INMI can trigger an unwanted compulsion. Musical obsessions may be treated through psychotherapy, medication and self-help tools like hypnosis and mindfulness meditation.

Studies have demonstrated that some musical obsessions may be caused by brain conditions that lead to hearing loss, like Otosclerosis. Other sources may include head injuries or noise exposure. Music can evoke strong emotions in some, provoking anxiety or distress. People suffering from anxiety and depression may use music as an escape, leading them down a path toward dependency that prevents them from dealing with other problems in life.

Musical Obessive Disorder (MOD) may seem uncommon; however, researchers often underestimate its prevalence and significance.

As opposed to visual imagery-related OCD symptoms, music-related obsessions tend to surface more spontaneously than any other symptoms of OCD. It’s important for people experiencing this type of obsessions to realize they’re not alone and help is available – visual imagery alone should never cause such symptoms!

As with other OCD symptoms, musical obsessions can be effectively treated through psychotherapy and medication. An SSRI antidepressant such as Citalopram or Escitalopram has proven particularly successful at relieving these obsessions; these patients may also respond well to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), ERP, as well as self-help tools like Hypnosis or mindfulness meditation for managing music-related obsessive thoughts.

Modern Music Lovers

Your modernist music lover would certainly appreciate a present that reflects their eclectic tastes, such as DropMix fast-paced music-mixing app or subscription to popular streaming service such as Spotify where they will gain access to millions of tracks that they can customize their playlists according to genre, artist or mood.

Help them upgrade their headphones with this high-quality pair, featuring noise-cancellation capabilities and built for music enthusiasts everywhere. From playing their favorite tunes on-the-go or at home, your loved one will delight in listening to his or her favourite tracks whenever the mood strikes them!

This classic rock album will appeal to music enthusiasts who appreciate gritty lyrics, catchy tunes and raw energy. Known for their signature sound that includes heavy use of vocal harmonies and blues-influenced guitar solos. Released in 1970, many songs from this classic rock release can still be heard today at live shows!

Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers made waves with their self-titled debut, even if they never achieved major commercial success. It featured uniquely personal songs about dating awkwardness, growing up in Massachusetts and love of life – none could match its sheer genius! While Richman would release more albums after this initial masterpiece.

Study results reveal that those who prefer dance music tend to be outgoing and assertive individuals with high self-esteem who crave social interactions; those who favor classical music tend to be introverted but creative people who feel at ease within themselves.

Gift for any musician who enjoys writing their own music: this journal includes separate lines for noting melody and lyrics. Give this thoughtful present to an aspiring singer/songwriter and you’re guaranteed to put a smile on their face every time they look at it!

Give your music-lover friend an excellent present that will enhance their performance skills! A portable drum pad allows them to play their favorite songs anywhere – quickly set up, easy transport, and comes complete with its own carry case make this gift the ideal travel companion!