Guitar chords are groups of notes that combine to produce harmony when played together and form the basis for every song on guitar. Knowing how to read and interpret chord charts is crucial if you wish to create music on this instrument.
911 Tabs is one of the oldest chord libraries online and boasts an intuitive user experience with auto-scroll and font size adjustment tools for enhanced user control.
Yousician is an interactive learning system that rewards users when they hit the correct notes, providing beginners with songs and exercises which gradually increase in difficulty. Designed specifically for them, Yousician offers something suitable for everyone from novice players all the way up to advanced players alike.
The first missions focus on teaching you the fundamentals, including string walkups, legatos, bends, speed drills, voice-over tutorials and basic music theory and ear training lessons.
This app’s song library spans multiple musical genres and artists. Additionally, weekly challenges allow users to compete against others. Available both on iOS and Mac computers.
Uberchord is a free iPhone app that offers real-time feedback while teaching users to play guitar. The lessons cover rhythm, strumming patterns and chords – as well as featuring a chord database and high-precision tuner – making this one of the coolest guitar gear innovations of 2015. Guitar Magazine named Uberchord as one of their Coolest Gear Innovations of 2015.
This company seeks to bring insights from online language learning to music education by mixing skill-building exercises with practice sessions in ways learners enjoy. Their approach mirrors that of DuoLingo, which simplifies complex topics like grammar and vocabulary through user-friendly exercises; their current app focuses on chords but will soon offer courses in rhythm and musical theory.
This website is an invaluable tool for teaching chords on guitar, ukulele, piano and banjo. With access to over 18,000 songs with synced chords playing along with YouTube videos as well as its built-in tuner to ensure that instruments remain in tune, it provides a great resource for chord learning!
Chordify is an online music education service created for and by music enthusiasts. It analyzes musical samples and automatically transforms them into chords – currently over 4.5 million songs have been chordified by users! Their unique business model has garnered them numerous international awards; plus there’s even an option to purchase unlimited access songs and more advanced features via premium subscription.
Art of Manliness
Art of Manliness takes an explicit stance against stereotypical notions of masculinity found on many lifestyle websites for men, rejecting ideas such as girls liking losers or aggression being used to cover insecurity and encouraging instead positive ideals of manliness such as intelligence, family values and sense of responsibility as indicators of true manhood.
Brett McKay hails from Edmond, Oklahoma and took two years off college to serve in Tijuana. After earning his BA in letters at University of Tulsa he attended law school where he began the Art of Manliness as a hobby; it is now his full-time occupation! In his free time he enjoys barbell lifting, hiking and eating burgers!
Songsterr is an invaluable tool for guitarists of all ages and skill levels, offering free playback options as well as supporting multiple music genres on multiple devices.
Songsterr’s tabs differ significantly from the user-submitted “net tabs” found on UG by being structured like proper sheet music with clear timing indicators and time signatures – making it one of the premier guitar chord sites online.
Songsterr allows users to download PDFs of songs and practice offline, making the experience user-friendly with a large collection of tunes in its database.
Chordie is an easy and intuitive website for learning new songs with accurate chord charts above the lyrics. Although there are no fancy features like auto-scroll or transcriber, Chordie makes learning new songs simpler.
Search chords by their exact names or voicing patterns; this feature makes finding chords that sound similar easy.
It also supports various iframe sizes, and its “fit in” algorithm will scale chord diagrams so as to fit within their designated space in an iframe.