What Does a Suspension Pedal Do?

A sustain pedal is one of the most important guitar effects. It allows you to play longer, accentuated notes with a single press.

The best sustain pedals feature 4 rotary dials for level, tone, attack, and sustain. They are also rugged and can withstand a lot of abuse. Pedals like this are popular among professional guitarists and beginners alike.


The first pedal in any guitar player’s effects chain is usually a compressor. This is because it is most useful for clean tone and can make the difference between a good tone and a great tone. A good quality compressor will squash your dynamics and keep them under control, giving you more sustain on each note and a more balanced sound. This is an especially important function for touring musicians as they need to have consistent tone night after night.

Compression is a bit complicated to understand fully but it basically works by suppressing the volume spikes that happen when you strum or pick hard on your strings. It also raises the level of quieter notes to give them more sustain. It is this function that makes the pedals so useful for clean sounding guitars and it is one of the most essential guitar pedals to own.

There are many different types of compression pedals on the market but the best are usually based on voltage controlled or variable-compressor architecture (VCA). This type of compression pedal is very reliable and will not color your sound in any way. It is also very quick to react to changes in the signal so you will never get a “squeezed” sound. A good example of a high-quality VCA compression pedal is the Strymon Compadre.

This pedal has a single line in and out jack along with four rotary dials for level, tone, attack, and sustain. The level dial is used to adjust the overall output volume from the pedal and the sustain knob is for adjusting how long each note lasts after being plucked. The attack knob is used to control how quickly the compressor will react to the signal and the tone control adjusts the EQ bias of the pedal from lows to kids or trebles.

Another great feature of this pedal is that it has true bypass which means it does not require a battery to operate and will allow your signal through at all times. It is a very affordable pedal and a great addition to any guitarist’s pedal board. It is designed to work well with Fender amplifiers but will also sound great on any amp. The pedal has an elegant metal case and is available with LED lights which can be turned off if desired.


A distortion pedal on a guitar can add a lot of grit and overtone to your tone. It can also help you achieve a more melodic sound. Typically, a good quality distortion pedal will not degrade your natural tone as much as other effects such as overdrive or compression. It can give you an added punch that is great for rock music, but it will also work well with other genres of music as well.

Another good thing about a distortion pedal is that it can add a lot of sustain. This can be especially helpful when you are playing a complex chord or lead. It can also give your notes a more fluid motion that makes them seem to be floating in the air. This can really make a solo stand out and it is often the feature that attracts most players to this type of pedal.

A pedal that can add sustain without overdrive or distortion is a compressor. It is a great tool for anyone who wants to improve their sustain without changing the overall tone of the guitar. You can find a number of these on the market, but it is important to choose one that has true bypass so that your amp’s original tone remains intact when you are not using it. It is also important to look for a compressor that offers control options such as blend, treble, and volume. The MXR Dyna Comp is a popular option, but there are many others on the market as well.

Sustain pedals are a great way to express yourself as a musician and to connect with an audience. They are a great addition to any guitar and can give you the perfect sound for your music. They are easy to use and can add a lot of variety to your sound.

Not all guitarists need a sustain pedal, but if you are looking for a quick and easy way to change your tone, it is definitely worth trying out a few different ones. You can even try combining a sustain pedal with other types of pedals to create an even more unique sound. You can also experiment with cascading a overdrive pedal into a distortion pedal, such as the Boss SD-1 pushed by a Tubescreamer, for an extremely versatile and unique sound.


Reverb is a type of effect that adds a sense of space to your guitar tone. This can help your sound to feel more alive and full of life, and can also make it easier to hear individual notes. Reverb pedals are available in a variety of styles, and it’s important to choose one that will suit your style and preferences. The best reverb pedals will allow you to control the amount of reverberation, as well as the length and intensity of the effect. Some reverb pedals have a toggle switch that can be used to turn the effect on or off.

Some reverb pedals are designed to be used in combination with other effects, while others are more versatile and work on their own. For example, if you have a compressor or distortion pedal in your chain, you may want to use the reverb pedal after them, to avoid detracting from the overall tone. In addition, reverb pedals often have a “true bypass” feature, which helps to keep your sound as natural as possible when the effect is not engaged.

The reverb pedals on the market vary in price and size. Some are small and compact, while others are more rugged and have a large footprint. Some are made of metal, while others are plastic. Some even include a built-in battery compartment and external AC adapter jack. Some reverb pedals also have an EQ section, which allows you to fine-tune your tone.

Pedal pedals that provide sustain are very popular among guitarists. A good sustain pedal can be used in a variety of situations, from live performances to studio recording. These pedals can be a great tool for players who need to hold longer, more accentuated notes. These pedals can also be used in conjunction with other effects, such as compression, to achieve a more balanced and consistent tone.

The Boss RV-6 is a simple, affordable and reliable sustain pedal that provides an excellent sound quality. It has a heavy-duty, rugged design and a large rubber footswitch that is easy to find even on a dark stage. It is one of the best pedals for sustaining notes, and it outperforms many that are much more expensive. Its simplicity and affordability make it a popular choice for both professional musicians and hobbyists.


Modulation pedals add depth and layers to your guitar signal without distorting the original sound. These effects include chorus, vibrato, and phaser and can be used to create unique textures and sounds. They are also popular with guitarists looking to add more sustain to their tone. Modulation pedals are usually located towards the end of a pedalboard chain, after a compressor and before reverb.

There are many different types of modulation pedals on the market, and each one works in a slightly different way. The key is to find one that suits your style and music. The best place to start is by examining the features of the pedal. Look for a pedal that has true bypass to keep your guitar signal as clean as possible when it’s not activated. You should also check whether the pedal can be switched on and off with your foot, as this will help you save battery power when you don’t need it.

Another important feature of a sustain pedal is its ability to increase the volume of your guitar’s note as it decays. This can be useful when you are playing a solo or when you want to highlight your guitar’s sound in a particular way. Lastly, you should also look for a pedal that has the option to switch between different modes to adjust the overall tone of the effect.

Most sustain pedals operate by dividing the original signal into two parts, and then blending the two back together again. This process can be repeated as many times as you like to create a variety of different effects. Some of the most common effects are tremolo, flanger, and vibrato.

A tremolo pedal works by modulating the volume of the guitar’s output. This can be either stuttery or smooth, depending on the pedal you choose. Vibrato is similar to tremolo, but it modulates the pitch of the output instead of its volume. It produces a pulsing sound that can be stuttery or smooth, depending again on the specific pedal you choose.

A phaser pedal is harder to explain, but it basically splits the input signal into multiple stages, then changes the amplitude of each of these stages by using a series of filters. The result is a sound that is often described as being like two large planes moving in and out of sync.

A sustain pedal holds the strings of a guitar longer, giving them a more sustained sound. You will often find this type of pedal used by piano players, but it can be found on any electric guitar.

This pedal can provide many levels of control for your tone. It has an EQ, a blend knob, and several other options.

Compressor Pedal

There are many different pedals on the market that can do various things to a guitar tone. One of the most common is a compressor pedal. This pedal smoothes out your sound, regulates the overall level of the signal and gives you more sustain. It’s very popular amongst lead guitarists, but it can also be used by rhythm guitarists to even out their playing.

Compression in general is an effect that squishes the dynamic range of the audio signal. It does this by bringing the lowest and highest parts of the signal closer together. This is how studio engineers control the volume of their recordings. Basically, the loudest parts are compressed and quieter parts are amplified to create a more consistent level. When a guitarist uses a compression pedal, they are squeezing the dynamics of their signal to make it more consistent.

Often, compression pedals have three or four knobs that let the user adjust the effects. These include a sustain (or blend) knob, attack and release knobs. The attack and release knobs allow the player to set how quickly the pedal kicks in to squish the signal and how much of the dynamic range is squashed. A fast attack and release will compress the signal more, which can be useful if you are trying to achieve a chicken-picking tone. A medium attack and release will preserve the natural pluck of the strings while still giving you a good amount of sustain.

The reason that some compressor pedals mention sustain as a byproduct of their function is because it’s actually one of the side effects of using this kind of effect. It just so happens that, when a guitar is processed with enough compression, the sustain will increase by itself. This is because the squished signal can’t decay as quickly, so it will continue to ring out longer than normal. It’s not as powerful as the kind of sustain that can be achieved by using a dedicated sustain pedal, but it will still provide you with an extra measure of sustain. This is especially helpful if you are playing with a drummer who might want to keep the beat going for a while.

EQ Pedal

Unlike compressor pedals, which can be used to tame peaks in your guitar signal, an EQ (equalizer) can shape the tone of your whole signal. They can also be very useful in helping you blend your sound. They often have a range of sliders to control specific frequencies, with a lot of people using them to adjust the mid-range. These are the frequencies that are most prominent in the guitar tone and they can help you cut through a mix.

Most amps have a series of EQ shapers which can be found in the form of a ‘bass’, ‘mid’ and ‘treble’ knob. A stompbox can offer you similar controls in the form of an EQ pedal. However, a good EQ pedal can have even more functions which can further help you to shape your sound.

For example, the Wampler Pedals Ego sustain pedal has five potentiometers and can be adjusted to match your style of play. It’s also hand-built and comes directly from the U.S, which can add to its price tag. But if you’re willing to spend a little extra, this pedal can be a game-changer for your tone.

Aside from the sustain function, the pedal also offers an EQ which can be very helpful when you’re playing in a band. Depending on your amplifier, a sustain pedal may be able to increase the length of time a note lasts before it dies out, but an EQ pedal can help you achieve that with more control.

You can use an EQ pedal to balance out your tone, so that all of your notes are as loud as they should be. For instance, if you have an amp with a scooped mid-range, you can boost the mids in your EQ pedal to compensate for this. This will give you a fuller, thicker tone, which can be perfect for solos.

Using an EQ pedal can also be beneficial if you have two different amps. For example, a humbucker amp can give you a thick, deep sound, but when you switch to a single-coil amp, your tone can become thin and clanky. A pedal with an EQ can help you find the right tone for each occasion and make sure that your tone fits in well with everyone else’s.

Volume Pedal

One of the most basic pedals you can own, the volume pedal lets you create a sweeping or swelling sound with your guitar. This can be a great way to build up to a guitar solo or chorus or even to ease out of a song without needing an outro riff or big fade out. You’ll often see this pedal used in ambient music styles like shoegaze and drone and it’s also a common tool for country players to mimic the distinctive wail of a pedal steel guitar.

Most guitar volume pedals will have a control that allows you to increase the amount of sustain you create with your foot, giving you a range from subtle to huge. You’ll often also find a control to change the sustain up or down, letting you change how long your note rings out. You can find volume pedals in a range of sizes and shapes, from the classic Ernie Ball VP Jr to over-the-top units that can do everything from a visual feedback system to choppy tremolo-esque effects.

The position of your pedal in your signal chain will greatly affect how you use it. Having it at the beginning of your pedalboard will let you clean up your signal by acting as an additional gain control and reducing any grit or drive in your amplifier. You can also use it at the end of your pedalboard to act as a master volume control for all your delay and reverb effects.

You can also place a volume pedal in the middle of your pedalboard, between overdrive and distortion and before boost or modulation pedals. This will mute the effect of any pedals that have been placed after your volume pedal, but allow you to control those effects with your foot. Having your pedal in the middle of the chain can also be helpful for creating a swell-like sound that can give your solos and lead work more impact.

Many volume pedals will have a tuner output so you can use them to mute your signal while tuning, which can be very handy during live performances or at gigs between songs. However, some pedals can have a “tone loss” issue where the signal gets split into two and robs you of some of the high end of your tone. It’s worth checking out the reviews of any pedal you’re considering to make sure it doesn’t have this problem.

Tone Pedal

You have probably seen colorful stompboxes lining the stage in front of your favorite musicians or on the feet of that trending singer/songwriter guitarist on TikTok. These pedals not only look cool, but they give musicians the ability to change their tone and color in brand new ways and even recreate traditional tones from past genres. But what exactly do these effects do? Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular ones and what they do for your guitar.

Pedal Change:

The sustain pedal, also known as the damper or una corda, on an acoustic piano removes the dampers from all of the strings allowing them to vibrate freely and continue playing long after you take your finger off the keys. On an electronic synthesizer, the sustain pedal transmits a MIDI controller 64 (pedal on or off) message, keeping all of your notes’ envelopes at their sustain levels. By lifting the sustain pedal and placing it back down, you can reset the envelopes on any sustained notes to prevent them from clashing with other notes in the chord you’re playing.

When used correctly, the sustain pedal can be a great tool to help you create more dynamic guitar playing. For example, it can be used to create a sustained chord that sounds more full and dense by pushing down on the pedal before you play each note. Alternatively, you can use the pedal to create a more delicate sound by playing a single note while releasing and then pressing down on the sustain pedal. It is important to remember to only use the pedal sparingly though, as overuse can quickly cause your sustain pedal to become muddy and noisy.

Another great effect to use is a chorus pedal, which adds a sound similar to a choir by doubling your guitar’s tone one or more times and slightly altering the timing and pitch of the duplicated tone. This is a great effect to add to your tone when you want to create more dynamic guitar playing by adding depth and dimension to the sounds you’re creating.