If you spend most of your time at home, it may not be surprising that your back has started hurting. There could be several causes including lighting or smells which could be at play here.
Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson offer guidance in this book on how to respond responsibly when someone in your church discloses domestic abuse. Appendices address frequently asked questions and provide additional resources.
Back pain
Back pain can range from dull ache lasting several days to severe discomfort that prevents sleep or movement, but generally speaking it’s usually not due to anything serious and most people who experience backache will recover within several weeks.
Back pain can be alleviated at home in several ways, from resting to taking over-the-counter painkillers or applying heat or ice directly. Staying active may even help your recovery by strengthening muscles that support the spine.
If your back pain has persisted for more than two weeks or is becoming worse, it may be wise to see a doctor. Your physician may perform a physical exam and inquire into any previous health problems, events that triggered it or associated symptoms you are experiencing. They may even suggest imaging studies such as an X-ray or an MRI in order to see if there may be something more serious at play causing your discomfort.
Home remedies for back pain include avoiding heavy lifting and prolonged sitting or bending, applying hot or cold packs directly to the affected area, taking a bath with Epsom salts or purchasing a reusable heating pad from a pharmacy or sports shop, sleeping curled up in a fetal position with pillows under your knees to relieve pressure, and sleeping curled-up in a curled-up position using pillows or rolled towels as support under the knees to alleviate pressure points.
Only a minority of people experiencing back pain actually have more serious medical conditions such as cancer, inflammation in the spinal joints, fractures or infections. If your backache is accompanied by symptoms like fever, night sweats or significant weight loss it’s wise to contact your physician immediately as these “red flag” symptoms could signal more serious issues requiring immediate medical intervention; otherwise it’s usually enough for home treatments or some time off work to ease it quickly.
Chronic headaches are painful. They prevent you from enjoying everyday tasks like working and socializing with family and friends.
Headache pain arises from signals between the brain, blood vessels and nerves interacting. Furthermore, neurotransmitters released by your body contribute to muscle tension and blood vessel swelling within your head and neck region.
Tension headaches, cluster headaches and sinus headaches are the three most prevalent forms of headaches. Tension headaches typically affect both sides of the head, with causes including stress, eyestrain, hunger or poor posture; cluster headaches appear in clusters and can be painful, itchy or throbbing in nature; finally sinus headaches result from pressure build-up in sinus passages which causes discomfort behind cheeks, eyes and on both sides of the head.
Your environment can also contribute to headaches. For example, migraine sufferers can be bothered by bright lights or flashing bulbs which cause migraine-inducing glare. You can minimize this type of headache by switching to soft white lighting (around 2,700 Kelvin), eliminating flickering bulbs, using air purifiers instead of carpet and eliminating strong odors in your house such as cigarettes smoke and perfume.
Telling your healthcare provider the specific symptoms and when they first appeared is important in identifying what causes headaches and developing an effective treatment plan. They may be able to assist with pinpointing triggers as well as offering options for relieving symptoms.
Natural remedies, including magnesium, B-complex vitamins and cold compresses may provide relief for headache pain. Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or NSAIDs may also provide temporary relief, though be wary not to exceed recommended daily dosage of acetaminophen as this could cause liver damage.
Those suffering from chronic headaches should consult with a physician to discuss possible medications and lifestyle adjustments, or referral to physical therapists for stretching and posture issues. Should a more serious headache emerge with loss of vision or vomiting symptoms, medical attention must be sought immediately.
Arm pain
Arm pain may result from overuse of muscles when performing repetitive tasks like throwing a ball or raking leaves, as well as sudden injuries like broken bones. Bursae (fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints and help eliminate friction between muscle and bone), can become inflamed when overused; this leads to arm pain. Over time this could even develop into tendinitis (inflammation of cord tissue connecting muscle to bone) and tennis elbow.
Home remedies may provide relief of joint and muscle pain, such as taking over-the-counter acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) along with physical therapy treatments like stretching. Furthermore, it’s advisable to rest your joint/muscle after engaging in activities which strain it, and use ice as needed.
If your pain is severe or sudden, seek medical help immediately. In some instances, it could be related to a broken bone or heart condition which cannot be fixed at home; left arm pain accompanied by sweating, nausea, difficulty breathing or fainting may indicate a potential heart attack; in this instance call 911 immediately!
Referred pain can arise from other areas of your body, including pinched nerves in your neck or herniated discs in your spine, and should never be disregarded. See a doctor immediately if your arm pain persists despite using over-the-counter treatments and avoiding activities known to trigger it; they might suggest corticosteroid injections, antidepressant medication or physical therapy programs as possible solutions; for those needing surgery they might prescribe medication such as narcotics or local anesthetics during procedures – both are good ways of alleviating symptoms during these procedures – they might even prescribe medication such as narcotics or local anesthetics!
Neck pain
Neck pain often results from sitting at a desk too long, hunching forward while reading or using the computer and sleeping improperly, with stress often tightening neck muscles further. There are relaxation, meditation and mindfulness tapes, CDs or MP3 downloads available at pharmacies or high street shops that may help. Some individuals also find relief using hot compresses or ice packs on their neck combined with gentle movements to ease any tension or stiffness they might be feeling in this area.
The cervical spine, also known as the neck, consists of seven square-shaped bones known as cervical vertebrae that stack one on top of another. They’re held together with ligaments and overlying muscle tissue that create a secure spinal canal protecting and surrounding the spinal cord.
There are four different forms of neck pain, each of which may either occur independently or simultaneously:
Axial pain refers to any discomfort that manifests itself locally in one area of the neck without spreading or radiating outward. Symptoms may include dull, throbbing or cramping sensations in this region of your body.
Radiating pain or numbness occurs when pain radiates to other parts of the body, including shoulders, arms and hands. It’s usually caused by nerve compression in the cervical spine.
Muscle spasms occur when neck muscles tighten suddenly, causing pain and stiffness that lasts several hours or days. Although uncomfortable, muscle spasms usually subside within 24-48 hours or days.
Other symptoms related to neck issues include headache, numbness and tingling in arms or hands, clicking or grating noises when moving your head and crepitus sounds caused by air bubbles or tissues shifting against each other within joints.
Neck pain that doesn’t resolve itself can have serious repercussions for work, family and social life – as well as keeping you from participating in regular physical activity. If this is your situation, visiting a physiotherapist could teach you simple stretches and movements to increase range of motion while relieving stiffness and discomfort.