Adventists believe that heaven will exist on Earth rather than above it and do not see hell as being eternal torture.
The church holds 28 core beliefs derived from “Holy Scripture.” These cover doctrines regarding God, man, salvation and end-time events as found both within scripture itself and the writings of Ellen G. White who serves as prophet for her church.
1. They believe in a heavenly sanctuary
Seventh Day Adventists believe in an invisible sanctuary where Jesus ministers on behalf of humanity, which they see as an analogy for the earthly Most Holy Place where Israel would go each year on Atonement Day to offer atonement for sin.
At the conclusion of 2300 prophetic days, Christ moved from the Holy to the Most Holy Place within Heavenly Sanctuary and initiated His mission of cleansing it (Daniel 8:14). This event is known as Investigative Judgment.
Seventh-day Adventists believe that confessed sins defile the heavenly sanctuary and must be cleansed just like those transferred from scapegoat to altar on earthly Day of Atonement. Furthermore, this cleansing work continues today.
2. They believe in annihilationism
Adventists believe that hell is not an eternal torment but rather its destruction, using scripture as proof that God is merciful and does not wish to torture the unrighteous forever.
According to their beliefs, they believe Jesus is currently performing a final atonement in the heavenly sanctuary, beginning on October 22, 1844 and continuing until His return. Their reasoning comes from Daniel 8:14 which indicates two thousand three hundred days until its cleansing from Artaxerxes’ reign of Persia (457 BC).
They believe that only those who abide by all of God’s commandments will attain eternal life, including not eating pork and following a plant-based diet.
3. They believe in the resurrection of the dead
Adventists hold fast to the belief in the resurrection of the dead as one of the cornerstones of their faith. Adventists consider soul immortality a central aspect of faith, with those raised at Christ’s second coming being raised at first general resurrection as blessed and holy individuals who won’t experience second death.
According to the Bible, life comes from God and returns back to Him at death. Also according to this text is that soul cannot survive without body; thus making it important for Christians to keep their bodies free of sinful activities or impurities. Additionally Adventists believe hell is not an eternal place of torture and pain but instead believes unbelievers will either perish or be destroyed as per Adventism’s beliefs.
4. They believe in heaven as a physical place
Ellen G. White (1827 – 1915) was one of the original founders of this church and her writings have become accepted truths even though they go against biblical teachings. These teachings include believing that Heaven and Hell will exist physically as well as an emphasis on health and wholeness that involves abstaining from alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs as well as an approach to diet that emphasizes not eating meat.
Seventh-Day Adventists are best known for their worldwide hospital and education systems, adherence to scripture, emphasis on the Sabbath (Saturday), beliefs regarding Jesus Christ’s second coming and beliefs surrounding heavenly sanctuary and investigative judgment, which began in 1844 to validate professed Christians for salvation eligibility. Furthermore, they believe in soul sleep as the stage after death that awaits salvation before death occurs and do not support the concept of eternal hell.
5. They believe in a Christian cult
The Seventh Day Adventist Church is a Christian cult which emerged during the mid-19th century. It began when William Miller claimed he received a vision from God that Jesus would return between March 1843 and March 1844; when this failed, Miller predicted instead that He would arrive October 22, 1844.
Many of the church’s beliefs are inspired by Ellen White, an influential writer. For instance, she believed that Pope Paul VI is the “Beast” from Revelation while Catholicism is “antichrist”. Due to these radical and unconventional views held by White’s teachings, many considered her church an illegal cult; however, later adopting Trinitarianism they became an orthodox Christian denomination.
The Church of Seventh Day Adventists is a Protestant denomination with 28 core beliefs regarding God, humanity, salvation, church membership and end-time events.
These people believe in an investigative judgment process, an unconscious state for those who have passed on, and prefer an end rather than eternal punishment in hell. Additionally, they oppose abortion and homosexual marriage.
The Resurrection
Adventists believe that Christ is working in the heavenly sanctuary now as both priest and sacrifice, performing investigative judgment that identifies which dead people should be raised from their graves at his second coming, with those chosen being granted keys to resurrect others themselves.
When Jesus returns, he will bring believers back from death and take them directly into heaven in an event known as rapture, which will be marked by an audible trumpet call heard throughout all nations.
Seventh-Day Adventists hold that Jesus will soon return, dating their faith back to American preacher William Miller’s prediction that it would happen in 1844. However, after it didn’t materialize as predicted by Miller and his followers they became disillusioned and formed the Seventh-Day Adventist Church with their belief that Christians should worship on Saturday instead of Sunday; now with over 7000 schools, 100 colleges/universities and 785 medical facilities they make up over one fifth of Christians worldwide!
The Final Judgment
Seventh-Day Adventists share many beliefs with other Christian denominations, such as believing Jesus will return one day. Their name derives from their belief that Saturday should be considered holy instead of Sunday as it compromises with both paganism and Catholicism. Furthermore, they believe a woman named Ellen Gould White had visions and writings which contain spiritual knowledge which has the authority of scripture.
Adventists believe that Jesus as Judge will determine who are genuine followers and servants and those who simply claim they follow him or serve him. According to biblical doctrine, true believers will receive rewards while sinners will face an eternal punishment in hell – including “outer darkness”, gnashing of teeth and an eternal fire (Matt 25:30).
Adventists generally believe it is contrary to God’s nature for him to torture those he finds disobedient for eternity, thus they adopt some form of annihilationism which holds that nonbelievers will simply die after final judgement.
The Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God represents Jesus’s liberating and life-affirming reign on Earth from heaven. This reign began long ago with his life and work, continuing today through numerous people’s efforts towards peace and justice; reaching its peak upon his return as King.
Adventists believe that those who follow God will be raised to live eternally with him while the wicked continue sleeping in their graves. Judgment will take place between 1844 and the Second Coming and in Heaven’s Holy of Holies – they also disavow traditional views of hell as being a place of perpetual suffering; instead believing instead in an form of annihilationism that sees unbelievers destroyed instead.
Finally, they observe the Sabbath from sundown Friday until sunset Saturday because they believe the Bible teaches that this seventh day should be marked for rest and worship.
The Scapegoat
Leviticus 16 speaks of scapegoats as part of the Day of Atonement. A priest took two goats – one as a sin offering and one as a scapegoat – one being responsible for paying sin’s penalty by dying while the second goat removed sins from society by being sent away to an isolated area never to return again; symbolizing how Jesus Christ took on our sins to take care of them for us! This symbolism points to Jesus taking upon Himself all believers’ sins before sending Him away forevermore! This symbolism points directly at how Jesus takes on our sins on Himself on His cross when He died for us on Calvary!
Mrs. Ellen G. White taught that Satan represented an antitypical scapegoat figure and explained how God will use certain individuals who endure the most trying circumstances without succumbing to temptation and breaking His Law, to demonstrate to everyone in existence how their redemption can abide by its requirements even under severe pressure and thus disprove Satan’s claims against the saved.