Death Metal Song Lyrics

Metalheads tend to enjoy death metal. Although some may associate it solely with violence and murder, others enjoy its deeper messages.

Bands like Atheist and Cynic explore philosophical and existential topics while Impaled takes aim at this concept with humor.

Subject matter

Heavy metal may seem to focus on dark themes such as violence, murder and death; but when looking closer at some of its leading acts’ lyrics you will discover their subject matter is much broader.

Metal bands often write songs about religion and spirituality in their song lyrics, with religion frequently being one of the central topics. Some even go as far as openly criticizing established religions – Megadeth’s song, “God Is a Lie,” is an open denial of Christianity that could cause alarm among nave listeners unfamiliar with metal’s lyrics. Other bands, like Impaled’s tribute to brown gold called “Rest in Faeces,” focus more on earthly issues like poop.

As is often the case with death metal bands and black metal acts, some can become preoccupied with dark subjects such as the supernatural or even macabre ones such as Exhumed who’s latest album Goregasm is filled with songs about autopsies, scabs and ladled-on corpse sludge.

Other artists have written lyrics addressing more difficult and controversial subjects, like the tensions between human and animal instincts or the belief that humans have godlike qualities. Such topics have caused controversy for bands writing about them – Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider had to defend his lyrics during both a US Senate hearing and court proceedings!

Death metal bands are frequently accused of being Satanists due to the violent and brutal nature of their music, but most metal bands do not represent satanism in any way; only a handful such as Possessed and Death can truly be considered true Satanists; oftentimes when death metal bands play around with these themes it’s either for shock value or self-expression purposes.

Metal musicians’ fascination with dark themes makes sense: music provides them with an outlet to express themselves safely while venting their innermost emotions and feelings through sound, particularly among more extreme subgenres of metal music.


Heavy metal music may appear to contain incomprehensible, violent language at first glance, yet according to research published in Journal of Music Perception listeners can understand two-thirds of words isolated from death metal songs. A comparison was performed using 64 death metal fans as opposed to non-fans using phrases taken directly from songs; results demonstrated that listeners of metal genre were much better at comprehending its lyrics than non-fans.

Not surprisingly, rap songs tend to address violent themes or taboo topics deemed inappropriate in other genres of music. Furthermore, music has the power to shape our perception of reality.

Death metal music isn’t all about violence; rather it explores corporeal, horrific and aggressive aspects of life. Death metal’s creators tend to be reasonable people creating art; rather than encouraging us to be violent themselves through death metal music, its purpose may actually be more like confronting our own aggressive tendencies through listening.

Metal bands tend to push the limits in terms of extreme metal music. Many of their best musicians often exaggerate imagery and lyrics when creating new tracks, often competing against each other with speed and subject matter – leading them to sound similar and have similar logos.

Some death metal bands incorporate an apocalyptic theme into their music, while others make attacks against religion–especially Christianity–through criticism and even critique. A subgenre of death metal known as black metal is distinguished by these themes and images associated with Satanism.

Some bands even name themselves after their genre or write songs that refer to its imagery directly, like Exhumed who specialize in gore grind music and have songs such as “Ziploc Bodybag,” which references ladling on cadaverous slop, scabs, gut juices and blood. Although the song can be hard to stomach at times, it serves to demonstrate Exhumed’s talent at making gore seem exciting and seductive.


Metal song lyrics often explore dark topics like violence, death and carnage as well as topics that transcend social, emotional and philosophical barriers. Their themes challenge listeners to reflect upon their own beliefs and ideas on such subjects.

Metal music can be seen as a form of rebellion against established norms and mainstream culture. Its themes and lyrics often touch on dark subjects such as war, death, destruction, drugs and sex; some critics claim this genre glorifies such negative traits of human nature while others see it as providing relief for listeners.

Metal songs tend to contain themes that are highly symbolic and should not be taken literally. Some bands incorporate gore or sexual humor into their songs for comic relief; Cock and Ball Torture has one song called “Anal Lilly Pissing Chick,” for example, which provides a lighthearted take on sodomy. Other bands use apocalyptic themes in their lyrics to criticize religion – especially Christianity; such bands are known as black metal.

Many of the most successful metal bands can create compelling narratives through their lyrics, such as Black Sabbath’s hit “War Pigs”. This song’s lyrics detail mass movements and political corruption before concluding with promises that those responsible will eventually pay.

Metal music also tells its stories through images. Take, for example, Mayhem who use vivid and violent imagery on their album covers as well as singing about unusual forms of copulation; their lyrics offer an insight into metal’s world that most mainstream listeners might miss out on.

Parents and community groups have raised concerns that metal music’s aggressive, violent themes contribute to real-life violence. Yet a recent study conducted by music psychologist William Forde Thompson showed that metal fans experience positive emotions from listening to their genre, possibly because music helps them escape daily routine.


Death metal bands usually feature growled vocals that resemble animal screams to convey emotions of terror, anger and despair as well as set the atmosphere and add more brutality to a song. Some death metal bands have also experimented with using synthesized vocals or more modern sounds in their soundscapes.

Death metal music requires heavy and intense music to effectively convey its dark themes, with many songs dealing with paranoia, death, war or more reflective messages like Megadeth’s “Holy Wars…The Punishment Due”. This song examines Middle Eastern politics as well as relationships among various religions – its message being both powerful and thought-provoking; thus making it such an essential anthem in metal.

Iron Maiden’s “Hallowed Be Thy Name” serves as an ode to their Brazilian heritage with tribal drums and mesmerizing vocal chants creating the impression of ancient and modern world colliding in one song, sending a call-to-action message that all individuals should stand up for what they believe in, even in times of hardship or oppression.

Many death metal bands incorporate spiritual beliefs into their music as well. Bands such as Burzum and Arckanum use old Norse lyrics in order to revive pre-Christian pagan traditions while others, like Korn, emphasize morality and ethics – this means their songs often offer messages that resonate deeply with listeners and don’t always come easily across to understand; their message always stays within our understanding as individuals listeners take in each song’s message.

Death metal music may contain disturbing and violent lyrics, yet still has an almost hypnotic effect on fans. A recent study conducted this experiment by having participants view graphic images while listening to either death metal or pop songs – death metal evoking stronger emotional responses than pop, supporting the notion that death metal provides listeners an outlet to express negative emotions through catharsis.