Death Metal Bands From Ukraine

Art can provide insight into life; vice versa is true as well. One prime example is Ukrainian band Sidus Atrum’s sophomore album. Though written and recorded prior to Russia’s invasion of Crimea, its relevance now cannot be ignored.

Black metal bands often draw inspiration from history; for instance, 1914 takes its inspiration from World War I.


Hell:on is one of the premier Ukrainian death metal bands. Active since 2001 and with multiple full-length albums released since, their music draws influence from numerous styles such as thrash metal and black metal; their music also showcases elements from other genres including punk. Their most recent offering, Scythian Stamm features intense thrash metal sounds while also including atmospheric elements – this album provides an ideal introduction into death metal music for beginners.

Ukraine’s extreme metal scene is flourishing with an increasing number of bands producing strong releases and becoming popular internationally; some even sharing stages with some of heavy metal’s most acclaimed acts like Rotting Christ and Kreator.

One of the most promising bands, formed in 2014 in Lviv, Ukraine’s 1440 band is one that stands out. They focus mainly on World War I as their theme and represent a strong addition to European metal scene. 1440 have been performing live for many years and earned a solid reputation due to its power and intensity.

In recent years, they have performed alongside some of the most acclaimed extreme metal acts in history such as Napalm Death, Kreator, and Marduk. With their dynamic live shows guaranteed to impress any metal fan.

Hell:on stands out not only through their musical talents but also with its charitable and philanthropic activities. For instance, they have raised money to assist victims of conflict in Ukraine as well as providing aid to homeless and refugees living within their nation. Their music has touched many people worldwide!

This Ukrainian extreme metal act best fits into a category known as dark and cold atmospheric death metal with eastern melodies. Helle Bohdanova delivers superb vocals, easily transitioning between operatic arias and death growls; guitarists offer fantastic solo sections; production is outstanding, rivaling Nokturnal Mortum from their home country of Ukraine.


Theme bands have become an increasingly popular trend in death metal music, with every band claiming expertise on various historical events or wars. But none can compare with Ukrainian group 1914 when it comes to this form of performance art. This doom band takes their name from the year of World War I and have made it their mission to pay their respects to those involved on both sides. Their most recent album is entitled “Where Fear and Weapons Meet,” and provides a disturbing collection of stories about war. Songs range from slow doom-like dirges to full-on blast beats with lyrics that are truly haunting; interspersed throughout are audio samples from actual events that make it more authentic and heartbreaking than ever.

Like many of their peers, 1914 members are heavily influenced by religious and folk horror genres. Rural settings, pagan beliefs and blood sacrifices all offer compelling material, making their aesthetic perfectly suited for death metal in this country – as is 1914’s distinctive melodic take on funeral doom, while their cavernous death metal adds something different than most current death metal offerings.

Though relatively unknown to Ukrainian audiences, one of the newest death metal bands have managed to make an impactful statement about their identity in Ukraine. Since forming, they’ve released several live recordings and an EP with four tracks; playing at some of the country’s leading extreme metal festivals as well. They currently signed with Napalm Records with more albums planned in their future plans.

At first, this band focused on brutal death metal; but on their forthcoming album they are exploring new musical avenues, still including some elements from their old-school sound but producing much more melodic and progressive tracks than before – an exciting move from an artist who has established a name in death metal music.


Fleshgore is an extremely influential band, having drawn inspiration from such acts as Suffocation, Dying Fetus and Severe Torture in both their music and live performance. Their sound is heavy yet brutal with many grooves and rhythms which makes them popular within the metal scene. Since 2001 this group have released four full-length albums as well as performing at festivals and concerts nationwide.

Carnival of Flesh, their most recent album release, showcases their style beautifully. You will hear some of the fastest and most technical death metal ever recorded; its blastbeat record features pounding bass drums that sound as though recorded underwater; making this an indispensable record for anyone interested in death metal music.

Interuterine Dilemma was released as their initial demo in 2002, shortly thereafter killing Absorption was issued as a full-length album in 2003 and Wake Up For Freedom followed as live demo as well as splitting with Italian Corporal Raid in a split release in 2003. Subsequently they signed with American label This Dark Reign Records to release May God Strike Me Dead on their record label’s label in 2006.

Death Metal legends Slayer are highly influential and respected within the death metal scene, having toured across Europe with their albums being critically acclaimed and having featured in several music magazines as evidence of their talent and dedication as musicians. While over time the line-up may change significantly, Slayer always comes back stronger.

Denial of the Scriptures, Fleshgore’s latest album, should please fans of death metal music. A technical album featuring their signature fast and brutal sound with bass vocals reaching near inhuman levels right from the start – making for easy immersion into their music for listeners who take the plunge. Plus it features some killer grooves not often heard on death metal releases!


Necrom, established in 2008 by producer and multi-instrumentalist Max Morton of Kyiv, boasts an impressive discography. Combining doom metal with death metal influences for an original sound that has won them recognition across Europe. Necrom has collaborated with several artists, such as Jinjer’s Tatiana Shmayluk. Furthermore, Necrom has performed at several European extreme metal festivals and released albums under their own label.

The Ukrainian metal scene is home to many bands who create something entirely unique using their own style and sound. While some favor rock-oriented approaches, others gravitate more toward black metal or folk influences – or sometimes both approaches at once! Bureviy stands out in this regard with international attention due to their political messaging within their music – they aim to promote more democratic values within Ukraine while at the same time reflecting this message through music.

Other Ukrainian metal bands such as 1914 draw upon their national history for musical inspiration. Established on the centennial anniversary of World War I, 1914 has taken this theme and run with it ever since, releasing two albums and performing all over the globe – even speaking with Loudwire about Ukraine’s current conflict!

Sinoptik, another Ukrainian band with an influential political message, has made headlines for their charity concerts and involvement in the local metal scene. A finalist at Global Battle of the Bands Berlin in 2013 won numerous awards for their work; furthermore they performed live for recording album in war zones as a testament to Ukrainian resilience.

Drudkh has also come under scrutiny for their political views. Their allusions to fascist band Bandera has caused some critics to accuse them of Nazi sympathies; however, Drudkh strongly denies such claims and asserts that its nationalism is in response to Russian oppression of Ukraine and other proxy attacks against it.