Deicide, Slayer and Napalm Death have become staples of military interrogation techniques recently, including use at Mosul Air Force Base in Iraq as well as at an unknown detention centre known as The Disco.
Researchers from Macquarie University discovered that death metal music, despite its violent lyrics, makes listeners feel powerful and joyful. So why?
1. Don’t Play The Craziest Song You Know
Music can be an effective form of torture, but you need to be cautious of which genre you choose. Metal music is particularly effective as it creates intense discomfort in its listeners; however, too loud of music could potentially damage hearing or be disturbing and should also be avoided as these could also have adverse reactions on those listening.
One of the more controversial uses of music as torture is playing heavy metal to prisoners. Metal has long been associated with violence and death; several prisoners have reported being subjected to this form of musical torture as part of their imprisonment sentence.
Metallica’s song Enter Sandman was frequently played at loud levels for extended periods in Guantanamo Bay and other secret detention facilities, and although this should not be considered torture, it can cause psychological distress for some individuals. Metallica have stated they do not consider their song torture but admits its eerie music can cause significant disruption and psychological trauma for some listeners.
Though metal fans might enjoy listening to songs about cannibalism, torture, and child murder, this doesn’t make them insensitive to violence. Studies have demonstrated that metal heads react more strongly to images of violence than non-metal fans – although this response doesn’t correlate directly with genre of music being consumed but more likely with specific personality traits shared between metal head fans.
Cannibal Corpse have released their album Torture and it boasts all of the hallmarks of great death metal albums. Demented Aggression opens the album as it brings brutality and carnage with fast guitar riffs that are repetitive yet challenging to listen to without losing focus – exactly the type of noise found within torture chambers.
Restraint and familiarity characterise this album’s second half. There are some solid riffs but overall this release lacks impact; worth checking out if you like death metal but don’t expect anything truly mindblowing from it.
2. Start With Led Zeppelin
Death metal music may come as a shock to those unfamiliar with its genre, yet it has been used as a form of torture. Death metal has been used to cause severe psychological trauma as well as punish prisoners of war; additionally it has also been used to induce anger, fear and panic in victims. However, these techniques should not be seen as ethical or morally justifiable. According to Tore Tvarno Lind from Copenhagen University’s music anthropologist study on this matter, one reason people use music for torture purposes could be its emotional power: music can trigger strong emotional responses which in turn influence actions; in addition, music has the ability to change how someone views themselves and their environment.
Music can also serve as a form of torture by inducing negative emotions in participants. According to Lind’s study, when viewing images related to cannibalism, torture, or child murder, participants were more likely to react negatively when hearing songs with violent lyrics than when viewing those same pictures without music accompaniment – something which was consistent for both metal music fans and non-fans alike.
If you want the best songs for death metal music torture, look for bands with an established history of creating heavy and aggressive music like Cannibal Corpse’s album Torture; their powerful yet sinister music stands out in addition to their distinctively heavy style, which features aggressive vocals and intricate guitar work.
The members of this band are experienced metal and rock veterans with an in-depth knowledge of what makes a good death metal song. The lead vocals resemble James Hetfield while guitar solos possess classic metal qualities; and together these elements combine into an album that provides unfiltered thrash metal that delivers on its promise.
3. Introduce Them To Faster Paced Metal
Death metal music has long been known to induce feelings of fear and doubt among listeners; but when introducing this style to new listeners it’s important to introduce it gradually so they have a positive experience before forcing themselves too deeply into its ranks.
If you’re new to death metal, an excellent way to start exploring this genre is by listening to classic albums by famous metal acts like Black Sabbath or Metallica. Such albums will provide an ideal introduction into death metal’s speed and intensity that defines this subgenre.
Cannibal Corpse have made waves for over twenty-odd years now, and Torture marks one of their most visceral and belligerent releases in their long career. A powerful production and nonstop guitar histrionics set the scene for an unrelenting display of violent brutality that cements Cannibal Corpse as one of the definitive death metal acts ever seen on disc.
Death metal music has long been used as a form of protest and satire, often to highlight issues like inequality and express desire for political reform. Death metal has thus become an integral component of counterculture movements worldwide.
Death metal music has also been used as a form of torture in various instances, creating an atmosphere of confusion and fear through its repetitive, jarring notes. Furthermore, death metal may increase heart rate and blood pressure levels which can help create panic or fearful states in its listeners.
Studies examining participants’ reactions to images of violence revealed that the type of music participants listened to had an impactful emotional response; however, results of this research weren’t uniform across participants; possibly other factors also had an influence in shaping participants’ reactions towards violent imagery.
4. Don’t Force It Down Their Throat
Music used for military torture includes pop, rock, rap, country and heavy metal music – the same sort that soldiers often listen to before embarking on risky missions or patrols – though often played at extremely loud volumes for hours on end at detention centers along the Iraqi-Syrian border and Guantanamo Bay. Other tunes used are Saturday Night Fever by Michael Jackson; All Eyes on Me by Tupac; America (Neil Diamond); as well as commercial jingles such as Meow Mix cat food commercial jingles!
Death metal music has long been known for being extremely violent and disturbing. Lyrically, death metal songs often explore themes like cannibalism, sexual deviancy and murder; its graphic imagery makes death metal an effective method of torture.
But why do some people like death metal music? A recent study conducted by psychologist Christopher Thompson attempted to answer that question. He compared 48 self-described death metal fans and 97 non-fans using psychological tools and measures, including Big Five Inventory which assesses personality traits such as openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism; as well as Interpersonal Reactivity Index which measures empathy levels 28 items long.
Thompson suggests that those who enjoyed death metal were those with lower empathy scores; she suggests this may be caused by long-term exposure to violent media, which desensitizes and reinforces negative social attitudes.
Another potential explanation for death metal’s emotional power lies in its ability to create powerful feelings in some listeners; specifically its ability to instil feelings of strength and joy while having no real-world consequences; this provides psychological distancing effects.
No matter the motivations, the use of music for military torture must stop immediately. Its practice has profoundly negative repercussions and it’s crucial that those against it voice their objections loud and clear while those in favor make their voices heard as well as musicians opposing this use of music for military torture make sure theirs are heard as well.