How to Play E2 Chords on the Guitar

e2 chords guitar

E2 chords are an excellent way to add some variety and depth to your guitar playing. They belong to a popular chord family that you’ll hear in many songs, making your instrument sound much prettier.

They provide an effective way to develop muscle memory and finger strength without having to switch positions too frequently, which is why they’re commonly used in beginner-level guitar lessons.

E Major

E Major is a major key that’s popular with rock and blues musicians. It’s sometimes referred to as the “grit” key due to its earthy, sensual sound. E Major works well when writing lyrics that address sexual rejection, powerful physical desires, or vengeance.

E Major is one of the more straightforward guitar keys to learn, featuring only six notes. This simple scale will give you a good foundation for more complex chord shapes in the future.

When learning the E Major chord, it is essential that your fingers be placed as close as possible to each fret. Avoid pressing too hard as this will alter the pitch of the string and make playing it more challenging.

On an electric guitar, it’s also essential to muted the strings when not needed. Doing so allows for better tone control and creates a more percussive sound.

Pianos have fixed patterns, while guitars offer much more freedom with your finger placement. This means you can cover different octaves and still find the same note within each one.

Playing E Major on the guitar can be done in several ways, one of which is by using an open E chord. This chord utilizes the low E string as its root note and requires placing your middle finger on fret 2 of both A and D strings, and your ring finger on fret 1 of G string.

E Minor

The key of E minor is an essential one for guitarists. It consists of the notes E, G and B which form the root of many different triads. There are various ways to play this scale on the guitar; however, one popular method involves using chord shapes that emphasize open strings.

Most guitarists begin with the open position chord, as demonstrated in Example 2. This is one of the most frequently played shapes on the guitar and can serve as a great starting point for new players.

To play this chord, place your second finger on the 5th string’s 2nd fret and your third finger on the 4th string’s 2nd fret. Doing so will allow all other strings to chime in harmony.

Some people prefer using their first two fingers instead of their second and third, but either option is acceptable as long as you play the chord safely without damaging your guitar’s neck or other parts.

If you’re a beginner, the best way to master this scale is by practicing each position repeatedly, beginning with the root note and working your way up and down through each octave. The more times you do this, the faster and easier it will become to memorize.

The E minor scale has a distinct sound, often used by guitarists seeking to achieve that melancholy minor atmosphere. This is because E minor contains the same notes as G major but lowered by one half step, giving it that mysterious and sorrowful tone.

E Sus2

Suspended chords are frequently employed in music to create an atmosphere of suspense or tension. Furthermore, these chords possess great versatility and can be employed to liven up existing chord progressions.

The E Sus2 guitar chord is an acoustic chord often employed to add a feeling of spaciousness to songs. They are popular within rock, funk and jazz genres of music alike.

To play a sus2 chord, place your index finger on the first fret of the B string, middle finger on second fret of D string and ring finger on third fret of A string. Strum all strings except for low E string to create an effect reminiscent of power chords found in rock or metal music genres.

Suspended chords can be played in any key, but are most frequently heard in major keys. Typically, they sit between the third and fifth notes of a major chord, though other combinations are possible as well.

These chords can be mysterious and leave the listener uncertain of which major or minor key they’re in. Additionally, they create a sense of longing which can be quite romantic when played repeatedly throughout a song.

Suspended chords have an intriguing symbolism and can add layers to a song, making it much more complex than it otherwise would be. They’re often associated with pop, rock and folk genres due to their tension-filled nature.

The E Sus2 guitar chord is an invaluable asset to your repertoire and can be played in a variety of styles. They add an air of spaciousness and openness to songs, as well as serving as a replacement for the home chord in chord progressions.


Eadd9 is a chord that adds the ninth note to either a major or minor triad. It requires no extra work to implement and doesn’t alter the sound of the basic triad, making it ideal for beginners who want to learn new chords without worrying about how they will sound different.

Playing Eadd9 on the guitar requires finding one root note and raising it two frets. This will produce a different sound than an open E chord, so try playing it for yourself to see how it feels.

One way to play this voicing is by placing the F# on the second fret of the E string. This takes away tension from the top of the chord and makes it much more relaxed and soothing to play. This voicing works great for dreamy ballads or chilled summer tunes.

There’s more to chords than meets the eye. Many voicings can be used for different effects and sounds, but it all comes down to how you combine them for maximum impact in your music. That’s why practicing is so important; once you know a few basics, you’ll be able to craft endless new chord progressions for your songs!


Emadd9 is an essential guitar chord used in pop and folk music. It also serves as a great way to get your fingers moving when learning how to play the guitar.

Emadd9 takes an E major chord and adds an F# note above it for added flair. You can use this alternate voicing when playing an E2 chord on your guitar, or just to jazz things up a bit.

For an easier alternative voicing of the E2 guitar chord, place your index finger on the second fret and ring finger on the fourth. This voicing is easier to play than other E2 chords without needing any modifications to your technique. It’s perfect if you want to learn how to play this popular chord without making major modifications.

In addition to Emadd9, there are other e2 chords you can learn on the guitar. If you’re looking to expand your chord repertoire, download our e2 chord cheat sheet for more information about these incredible e2 chords.

Another e2 chord that you should be aware of is the minor add9. This chord works similarly to an add2 chord, only instead of adding a note to a major chord it adds a note to a minor one.

Minor add2 and minor add9 chords can be more challenging to understand, as their structure isn’t as straightforward as a major add2. When performing these operations, keep in mind that minor add9s change the first, third and fifth notes from a minor scale to equivalent notes in a major scale.