Death metal music isn’t typically heard on the radio or in horror movies or professional wrestling matches. However, it does have its fans.
Metalcore is a subgenre that pushes things to their extremes, taking risks that mainstream culture or media would rather not attempt.
It’s a subgenre of metal
Death metal is a subgenre of metal that emerged in the late 1980s and 1990s. It’s considered an extreme genre with distorted guitars, blast beats and harsh vocals. This genre has since grown into numerous subgenres.
Subgenres of metal include death doom, melodic death metal and symphonic metal. Each has its own distinct characteristics.
Doom metal, on the other hand, emphasizes dark and gloomy tones with a brooding atmosphere. It includes several subgenres such as drone metal, epic metal, industrial metal and sludge metal.
Symphonic metal, on the other hand, is a type of metal that incorporates orchestration and choirs into its sound. It draws influence from heavy metal and power metal but also occasionally incorporates elements from progressive metal.
Symphonic metal bands such as Nightwish, Epica and Rhapsody Of Fire are well known for their diverse musical styles and compositions.
Glam metal, born in the 1980s, is another subgenre of metal that blends heavy metal aggression with elements of glam rock music and includes songs about love, sexuality and violence.
The early bands of this subgenre, such as Morbid Angel and Deicide, were capable musicians but relied more on shock value than musical ability. They were renowned for their death growls which ranged from guttural grunts to ear-piercing screams.
Melodic death metal takes a more classically-influenced approach to music. Usually played within 4/4 time with a treble clef, lead licks are harmonized in thirds and fifths to create tension between different sections of the song.
Metal music often features the augmented fourth or diminished fifth, which creates a feeling of tension and unease. Bands like Slayer and Black Sabbath are known for using this interval in their songs.
Death metal is characterized by its powerful vocal style that includes roaring and growling sounds. Vocalists in this genre must possess strong diaphragms and lung capacity to produce these growls, which can be heard in most songs from its beginnings but now include various voices and tones.
It’s a community
Metal fans are an eclectic bunch, united by their love for heavy music. While some seek its aesthetic beauty or energetic power, most metal listeners seek an outlet to express themselves creatively.
The community can be a safe space to discuss difficult topics and offer support to those struggling with their mental health or personal relationships. Indeed, death metal itself may even provide healing for those who have endured violence or trauma throughout their lives.
Many metal bands aren’t particularly outspoken about their religious views, but they do sometimes use the lyrics to express personal convictions. Swedish band Amon Amarth, for instance, draws heavily upon Norse mythology when crafting their songs; although they don’t explicitly promote devil worship or anything similar, many of their lyrics do touch upon topics related to faith and spirituality.
Some musicians are Christian or Buddhist, though not in the same religious sense that fans of death metal are.
They are passionate about their musical tastes and believe that listening to music can improve their wellbeing. Additionally, some may use it as therapy for those suffering from depression or anxiety.
Death metal has various subgenres, such as blackened death, technical death and deathcore. These styles combine the melodic elements of black metal with more aggressive elements from death metal to create an intense and complex genre.
Technical elements in the style can be intimidating for some, but it provides band members with an opportunity to show off their guitar and drumming abilities. Furthermore, they have the freedom to play at fast tempos with abrupt time signature changes which add a dynamic element that makes the music feel chaotic yet thrilling.
Technical death metal bands like Bolt Thrower, Pig Destroyer, Nasum, Wormrot and Cephalic Carnage are some of the most popular. Their music often incorporates various guitar techniques which add a distorted element for added effect.
It’s empowering
Recent research demonstrates that death metal fans can feel empowered when exposed to music with dark lyrical themes and relentless drum beats. In an age when violence in movies, television, and video games has caused many people to experience anxiety and depression, this kind of extreme music may provide the solution.
Researchers from Macquarie University conducted a study, asking 48 fans and 96 non-fans in their 20s to listen to death metal songs and self-report their emotional reactions. Additionally, they assessed each participant’s personality types using psychological tests.
Researchers discovered that people who enjoyed death metal music tended to be more conscientious and agreeable than non-fans. Furthermore, they reported feeling more joyful and elated while listening to these songs.
Another study conducted by the same researchers revealed that music with harsh vocals and heavy percussion could promote calm in people experiencing high stress levels. They also discovered that heavy metal fans were significantly happier than non-fans of the same music.
While most death metal bands are highly brutal and abrasive, some also feature some melodic parts. Indeed, some death metal singers even sing with an extremely high-pitched voice – commonly referred to as growls. This form of vocalization is quite popular within this genre.
This type of vocalization often uses a lot of pitch, making it difficult to understand. However, this style is used in order to match the aggressive lyrical content found in death metal songs.
Furthermore, vocalizations like Aborted, Exhumed and Cannibal Corpse often use this type of vocalization to convey their angry lyrics.
Death metal’s vocals can be harsh and hard to understand, usually consisting of screams or roars that range in pitch from low to high. Not only are these vocals often loud and intimidating, but this makes the genre unique.
If you are interested in trying death metal, watch a live performance. This will give you an accurate representation of how skilledly the members play their instruments and give insight into what makes this genre so powerful.
It’s scary
Heavy metal bands often feature intense music that can be frightening. But some lyrics in certain bands also carry an edge that makes them particularly frightening – whether it’s about murder, rape, torture or infanticide.
Death metal is a subgenre of metal that emerged in the 1980s and still thrives today. Its early acts took inspiration from thrash metal, adding more frantic vibes, fast drumming, and brutality than ever before.
Many view death metal as an anti-social movement that incites violence. It has also been accused of instigating racial hatred and sexual misconduct. On the other hand, some find it to be an expression of self-expression and even a way to confront their own fears.
This music has its roots in fear and horror, being popular since the dawn of rock music. Bands such as Screaming Lord Sutch originally explored themes related to horror and fantasy.
Cannibal Corpse, for instance, has sold millions of records and earned a deserved reputation for their gory lyrics. They sing about topics like murder, rape, infanticide and necrophilia with an intense passion.
They often feature images that are unsettling and distressing, such as blood-covered eyes or screaming queens. These songs can make you want to lock the door behind you and never leave home alone.
Despite its sometimes macabre subject matter, some bands manage to make their music enjoyable and thrilling. Here are a few examples of bands that successfully blend both dark and humorous elements together in one harmonious whole.
Slipknot are one of the world’s best known masked nu metal bands, yet their music contains elements of horror as well. Songs about grave robbing, necrophilia and zombies are both frightening and humorous at once.
Slayer is another band known for their intense lyrical themes. They tackle taboo topics such as Nazis, serial killers and human nature’s darkest sides.
Their lyrics and demented imagery make them a band to be feared, which has resulted in several years of bans in Australia. But they still have a dedicated fan base who will continue to support them regardless of what comes their way in the future.