Learn the Most Common Minor Chords on the Ukulele

As part of your ukulele learning experience, it is vital that you become acquainted with chord charts. These diagrams display where to place your fingers on the fretboard as well as which strings to bar.

Keep in mind that long vertical lines on a chord chart represent the strings on an ukulele, while an open string signified by an “0” is indicated on top of one line.

A Minor

A minor chord is one of the easiest minor chords to form. Like major chords, it uses root, third and fifth notes from a scale for its components; however, its third note is flattened by half-step for a deeper more somber sound.

Utilise your middle finger on the second fret of the A string to form this chord and practice often until it becomes part of your ukulele repertoire.

B Minor

The B minor chord is one of the easiest minor key chords to learn. Since it differs tonally from traditional Bm chords, take care when using it in songs.

To play this chord, place your index finger at the seventh fret on the first, or high E string and your middle finger at the sixth fret on the third, B string. Make sure your fingers are arching behind each fret to optimize sound quality.

C Minor

C minor chords can add great texture and emotion to your music. Their dismal or melancholic sound make them great additions for slow songs.

To construct a minor chord, start with a major triad and reduce its middle note by half steps – this creates a minor triad composed of three notes: root, minor third and perfect fifth.

D Minor

D minor is widely associated with melancholy emotions, though its symbolic association doesn’t limit its use to only melancholic moods.

D minor is one of many minor chords that features a minor triad, consisting of three notes; these include a root note, flat third note and perfect fifth. Learning different ways to play this chord will strengthen your ukulele playing abilities and expand your repertoire of techniques.

E Minor

E minor is one of the most ubiquitous chords in Western music and is frequently found in heavier genres like punk and metal.

Bar (barre) chords can often be found played as bar (barre). One finger presses two strings while leaving others open, enabling the chord to travel freely along the fretboard without altering in shape or form.

Example of this would be the iconic riff in Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

F Minor

F minor chord is one of the most frequently employed minor chords in music, often associated with feelings of melancholy or sorrow.

To form a minor chord, begin with its root note and add flattened third and perfect fifth scale degree intervals from there. For more information about intervals please check out our guide on the matter.

G Minor

G minor is an emotional and mournful key, often used in classical and rock pieces alike.

To create a minor chord, it’s essential that you understand intervals. A basic minor chord consists of a root note, minor third note and perfect fifth tone.

G harmonic minor scale begins from the same starting point as natural minor, yet differs by having one and a half steps separating its sixth and seventh scale degrees.

H Minor

This minor ukulele chord is one of the easiest to play. Using the same barre shape as G major chord, but moved up a fourth fret, just place your index finger across all strings between second frets with your ring finger placed on G string’s fourth fret for best results.

D minor is often called “the sad key”, due to its mournful overtones. But as artists such as Nirvana and Radiohead have demonstrated over time, no need for sadness when writing great songs in D minor.

I Minor

This chord can be challenging but rewarding to play, requiring one finger to hold down two strings at the same time in what’s known as a barre chord – an effective technique used by many musicians and singers alike.

This chord’s disquieting sound has become the focus of studies regarding children’s perception of tones. Composed of B, D and F sharp (F#), this chord provides a soundscape which has long been utilized in academic research studies on how children interpret tones.

J Minor

Minor chords are an integral component of most songs. Constructed using root note, minor third interval, and flat fifth interval components; all you have to do to compose one is lower the middle note by one semitone; for instance E would become C minor chord.

Minor chords can also be constructed using inversions to give them slightly different flavors and uses in chord progressions.