Piano Lessons in Missoula

play piano missoula

Piano lessons in Missoula may range in cost depending on teacher education, performance level and expertise, location, years of teaching experience and lesson length; prices usually fall within $35-55 for half hour piano lessons.

Bowman plays pianos outside his friends’ homes for marathon runners as they pass. He is deeply moved by their perseverance.

Cassandra Bak

Cassandra Bak has been playing piano since she was six years old, and can’t imagine life without music being an integral part of it. She earned a bachelor’s in Piano Performance at Grand Canyon University in 2019 and will go on to obtain her master’s from University of Montana in 2022. Cassandra loves teaching her students and finds great satisfaction from witnessing them grow not only musically but personally. Outside of work she likes spending time outdoors hiking, paddle boarding and exploring, spending time with family and friends outdoors during road trips and reading books when possible.

Landon Kleeman is currently studying music and pedagogy at the University of Montana. Beginning piano lessons at age three, his journey as an experienced teacher began there where he taught group and individual piano lessons for Beginner/Intermediate level students ranging in age from 6-14. Additionally, Landon enjoys reading, noodling on piano and watching sports for fun in his free time – hoping one day sharing his love of music with future generations!

Lydia Garrick

Are You Learning Piano or Want To Hire One for an Event? There Are Plenty of Options Available

Margery serves as faculty at the University of Montana Summer Piano Camp and regularly performs in its Celebrate Piano Series recital series. She has also appeared in New England recitals such as First Night performances in Concord and Wolfeboro and library concert series across Andover, Newton, and Plymouth libraries; Petit Papillon Dance Company and Moving West Repertory Dance Theatre also collaborate with her on performances.

Margery has an extensive background as a cellist, performing with both Missoula and Helena Symphonies as a soloist, chamber musician, or accompaniment for singers. Her repertoire entails classical, jazz and folk music which has resulted in several albums being recorded under her tutelage.

Margery earned both her undergraduate and master’s degrees at Boston University, studying with Edith Stearns, Boris Berman, Anthony diBonaventura and Anthony diBonaventura respectively. Alongside being a teacher, Margery has performed at numerous concerts as well as being showcased on Montana Public Radio as a featured artist.

Riley Crews of Lolo graduated at the top of her class from Sentinel High School where she served as student body president and varsity cross country captain. Her goal is to become an elementary teacher; her favorite activities are writing, hiking, running and skiing – not forgetting 4-H and the National FFA Organization where she has participated as well as many music competitions at University of Montana (UM). Riley plans on studying abroad during her time here as a National Honor Society member as well as student leader.

Marian Peck

Music is an expressive universal language that unites people of all ages and backgrounds, creating a sense of community while providing expression through forms other than spoken languages. No matter your age or background, playing piano can be both rewarding and therapeutic – not to mention improved health benefits! Piano also stimulates both left and right brain regions simultaneously for enhanced creativity and self-expression.

Students and residents will have an opportunity to appreciate music through three pianos that will be on display throughout Downtown Missoula, thanks to a collaboration between the Downtown Business Improvement District and University of Montana Keyboard Society. Support for this effort comes from Rollie Dotz Piano, Rollie Dotz College of Education, Noah’s Fabrics and First Interstate Bank among others.

Thomas Taylor, structural engineer and the new owner of Florence Hotel, generously offered up the mezzanine of his historic building to host this event. Additionally, he acquired and displayed for the first time ever in history a unique “square grand piano”. Taylor boasts many accomplishments in construction as well as recently creating his own foundation to assist children living with autism.

Abby Loewen is a second generation piano teacher currently studying towards her Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy at the University of Montana. As an accomplished pianist herself for over 30 years, Abby enjoys sharing her passion for music with her students as they grow as musicians and individuals alike. Her greatest satisfaction lies in witnessing their progress as musicians as well as people.

The University of Montana has offered summer music camps for 73 years, drawing students from across Montana to participate. McCann Purcell from Helena Capital High School was among them this year and enjoyed playing trombone in their band; he looked forward to coming back next year as well.