The Mental Health Benefits of Heavy Metal Music

Contrary to what many may believe, heavy metal music may actually provide beneficial mental health effects. A recent study suggests this may be the case.

Long-time fans tend to be happier and better adjusted than non-fans, as their fandom helps them manage emotions better. Furthermore, they are more open to trying new experiences and feel a stronger sense of belonging in their community.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain. It helps transmit messages between nerve cells in the brain and between it and other parts of the body. Furthermore, dopamine functions as hormone, acting as a chemical messenger to regulate moods and feelings of reward or motivation.

People with low dopamine levels are particularly vulnerable to depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Low amounts of dopamine may be caused by genetic predisposition, obesity, stress or other factors.

One of the best ways to increase dopamine levels is through exercise and diet. Exercising stimulates dopamine production in your brain, so eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is ideal. Furthermore, adding probiotics and protein will boost your wellbeing too!

Another way to boost your dopamine levels is by getting enough sleep each night. Not only will this improve your mood, but it can also lessen the likelihood of negative reactions when exposed to stimuli like heavy metal music.

Dopamine, when present, helps motivate you and keep you on track. It may even aid in reaching goals while giving you a sense of assurance.

However, an excess of dopamine can lead to problems like addiction. Drugs like cocaine, heroin and nicotine cause a large surge of dopamine in the brain which leads to cravings for those substances.

Many heavy metal fans believe the music can provide them with therapeutic relief when dealing with difficult life events, while its supportive community serves as a source of comfort and support. This may explain why metal music often leads to lower rates of mental health issues like depression and suicide.

According to some theories, listening to heavy metal music can induce a state of flow – an intense focus on one task or activity. Flow is seen as desirable because it brings with it feelings of engagement, intrinsic satisfaction, challenge and joy.


Heavy metal music often gets a bad rap, but new research indicates it may actually help fans manage stress. Furthermore, research suggests it may foster feelings of acceptance and belonging to an organized group.

Metal music often induces an uplift and emotional intensity in listeners, helping to reduce depression and other negative emotions.

Though some fans of heavy metal music may exhibit negative behaviors such as low self-esteem or disrespect for authority figures, most fans share a positive outlook. These individuals are usually open to new experiences and enjoy music that is intricate, unconventional and extreme.

Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starches into simple sugars. It’s found in both pancreas and salivary glands. Amylase is a polypeptide protein with a globular shape, making it easier for it to do its job in the body; additionally, its hydrophilic groups on its outside make it water-loving.

Human bodies produce 40%-45% of amylase, with 55%-60% coming from the pancreas and salivary glands. The enzyme can also be found in certain body fluids like blood, breast milk, urine, colostrum, and tears.

Amylase plays a dual role in digestion and immunity. It helps combat infection by breaking down viruses and bacteria while eliminating foreign materials from the body.

This enzyme is essential for energy production, breaking down carbohydrates in fats and proteins to form glucose. Furthermore, it aids in the absorption of iron and magnesium.

Your doctor will draw a blood sample and analyze its amylase levels. They can then explain what these results indicate.

If your amylase test reveals low levels, you may require additional vitamin or mineral supplements. Conversely, if the level is high, your doctor may order other tests to identify any underlying medical conditions.

This test can be completed at home or in your doctor’s office, but you will need to provide a clean catch of urine. Your sample will then be processed in a lab and results should take anywhere from several hours to a day to come back.


Glucose is the primary sugar found in our bodies and can be found primarily in high-fructose corn syrup and candy. Not only does it provide energy, but it’s also used as a building block for glucose-containing polysaccharides like starches or glycogen. Furthermore, glucose contains some fat and protein – both of which have beneficial properties for us.

According to the food source, glucose can be broken down into several smaller metabolites like sucrose and lactose. This breakdown process takes place either in the mouth (via T1R2 and T1R3 proteins in saliva) or the small intestine. Amylase and maltase, located on the brush border of the small intestine, help break down carbohydrates containing glucose.

Another way the brain uses glucose is by converting it to dopamine, which acts as a primary neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation in humans. Dopamine production takes place within the hippocampus cell type found in the medial prefrontal cortex of the cerebral cortex.

Some studies have even discovered that listening to heavy metal music can help lower stress hormones in your body, particularly cortisol. This may be because metal tends to make one feel more connected with others and a part of an expansive community.

Additionally, music can help you think more logically and critically. A study revealed that those with more sensitive ears to intense sounds such as heavy metal tend to be more critical in their reasoning, which could prove advantageous when making informed decisions or protecting yourself from potentially hazardous situations.

Recent research revealed that listening to metal music can actually help you relax after being stressed out. When participants were randomly assigned either classical music or heavy metal after being made angry, those who listened to heavy metal were able to relax faster than those listening to classical music.

Heavy metal has many health benefits, but one of the most significant is that it helps you reduce stress levels and anxiety. Stress hormones produced during stressful times can contribute to illness and disease, so decreasing their levels is essential for overall wellbeing.


Magnesium, one of the seven essential macrominerals (with calcium, phosphorus and potassium), plays an integral role in maintaining health and wellness. It interacts with over 300 different enzymes to support various bodily processes.

Magnesium helps maintain healthy blood pressure and insulin sensitivity, as well as being involved in energy production, muscle contraction and nerve impulses.

Magnesium deficiencies can cause symptoms such as nausea, headaches and muscle weakness; thus it’s essential to get enough of this mineral through diet. You can find magnesium in a variety of foods like spinach, nuts, legumes and whole grains – just to name a few!

Magnesium supplements can be an effective way to increase your daily intake if you’re finding it difficult to get enough from food alone. When shopping for magnesium supplements, make sure they have been tested by an independent third-party laboratory such as NSF International.

Researchers have observed that listening to heavy metal music can reduce stress levels, blood pressure and heart rate. This is likely because heavy metal has a high concentration of dopamine and other neurotransmitters associated with feelings of relaxation.

Studies have even demonstrated that listeners to this genre of music tend to experience less anxiety and are better equipped for studying or other tasks. Furthermore, studies have indicated that those who listen regularly tend to sleep longer at night.

Many turn to heavy metal music as a way of relieving stress and keeping their moods stable. However, some heavy metal bands have been accused of encouraging depression and violence.

A 2017 study published in Nutrients suggests that magnesium may help balance the neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of anxiety and depression, potentially helping to prevent those symptoms from recurring.

Many medications can lead to a deficiency in magnesium, including prescription proton pump inhibitors such as esomeprazole magnesium (Nexium) and lansoprazole (Prevacid). These drugs reduce magnesium absorption into your bloodstream; supplementing with magnesium can raise serum levels and improve overall health.