What Equipment Do I Need For a Home Studio?

At the core of any home studio is a computer running music recording software. Additional equipment that may come in handy includes an audio interface, microphones and speakers.

A pair of headphones can also come in handy when editing, arranging and mixing work; however, mixing exclusively using headphones may become tiring over time.


Computers are at the core of any home recording setup. They power your digital audio workstation (DAW), which you will use to record, edit and mix audio as well as MIDI arrangements. They will likely become your main hub for music-making so ensuring one with sufficient specs and storage is essential to achieving greatness in music creation.

Budget home studios may benefit from using an existing desktop or laptop computer; however, for optimal results it may be advisable to invest in a dedicated recording PC equipped with high-performance processors and plenty of RAM – one capable of handling the intensive workloads associated with commercial recording software applications.

Studio monitors should also be of top-quality; these should ideally be sonically neutral so as to not alter your mixes through artificially increased or decreased frequencies. There are various sizes of studio monitors, from 3 or 4 inch drivers up to 10 or 12 inch drivers for your monitors.

A MIDI controller is an indispensable home recording studio tool for managing virtual instruments and effects within your DAW. Connected via USB or an specialized MIDI interface, these devices connect directly to your computer allowing you to play virtual instruments like real ones in music-making software such as Pro Tools. There are two main types of MIDI controllers: traditional keyboard layout and pads you can hit to trigger samples.

Always ensure you have a chair that offers both comfort and ergonomic support when spending long hours working in front of a computer. An investment in studio chairs that provide proper ergonomic support could minimize strain on the body and boost productivity, while proper acoustic treatment of your home studio will eliminate unwanted reflections or resonances that might otherwise disrupt productivity.

Audio Interface

Home studio recording equipment has never been more accessible and affordable, making full-scale musical production from bedrooms, basements or offices within reach of anyone from all backgrounds. Computers play an indispensable role in home recording studios by hosting all necessary software programs as well as hosting music files; when selecting one for recording purposes it is essential that consideration be made regarding CPU speed, RAM capacity, storage space requirements and graphics capabilities among many other factors.

Home studio recording setups should also incorporate studio monitors. Studio monitors are specifically designed to be sonically flat or neutral, meaning they don’t boost or cut specific frequencies and give an accurate representation of how your production will sound on various playback systems. Studio monitors not only serve an essential function in recording sessions; they can also help enhance quality by helping identify subtle details that would otherwise escape unnoticed.

If you want to record vocals or acoustic instruments at home, a high-quality microphone is absolutely essential. The best mics for recording at home will offer a broad spectrum of frequencies so you can capture various tones with just one mic – saving both time and effort in mixing phase! A great mic can capture performances accurately while still saving you time during mixing phase.

An audio interface is a USB device that serves as the bridge between your computer and other equipment, such as microphones and speakers, such as microphones or speakers. There are various features you’ll find in an audio interface; but the one most important consideration when purchasing one should be expandability if your home recording setup expands in the future. Look for one with optical or ADAT inputs so your needs can easily change as required.


If you plan on recording vocals or acoustic instruments, you will require a microphone. There are various shapes and sizes of microphones to suit every need; some are ideal all-purpose options; while others specialize in specific genres like drums or guitar. As a beginner, opt for something like the Shure SM57 or SM58 large diaphragm condensers as these classic models consistently produce excellent results; later you may wish to expand your collection with specialty models tailored towards specific genres or instruments.

Your home studio size depends on how much gear you plan to accommodate and what type of recordings you intend to create. For instance, if you intend on tracking an ensemble full band together with their equipment and instruments – usually an extra bedroom or garage will suffice as space.

Home studios require reference speakers that help give an accurate representation of what their productions will sound like when produced. Known as studio monitors, these are designed to be sonically flat or neutral so your music will play well across various consumer systems – saving hours in post production mixing stage tweaking!

No matter the quality or price of the speakers you purchase, a pop filter and microphone stand will be required for proper recording. They help prevent unwanted noise or vibrations in the room which could interfere with recordings; additionally, these filters may help tame resonances caused by hard surfaces like wood floors or glass walls.


If you want to actually work on music, investing in high-quality studio monitors is crucial. Unlike consumer speakers that might grace your living room, these monitors are specifically engineered for sonically neutral performance – meaning music translates across devices well without being affected by low or midrange frequency boosts found on home speakers that add fullness and can affect how accurately studio monitors display mixes. Home speakers often boost low and mid-range frequencies in favor of an immersive listening experience; studio monitors generally feature more accurate tuning with built-in equalizers so they can adapt perfectly with any room’s specific acoustics.

An audio studio desk is essential to organizing audio equipment. A good studio desk should include space to mount rack-mountable audio interfaces, power conditioners and other outboard gear, plus provide room for mounting keyboard controllers or MIDI controllers – choosing one designed specifically for music production can ensure it will support additional hardware as needed.

By investing in an Output Platform desk, you can take advantage of all of its functional features while enjoying its modern all-wood aesthetic and acoustic isolation pads that decouple speakers from desktop surfaces, helping prevent vibrational energy from passing into desktop and creating frequency resonances that don’t exist within your music project.

MIDI Controller

A MIDI controller is like the Swiss Army knife of home studio equipment; it can do everything from play software instruments and program drums, to controlling your DAW’s transport, automating plugin parameters during mixing sessions, and more. Furthermore, more tactile forms like old-school keyboard or drum pad controllers may offer more expressive ways of arranging music than can be accomplished simply through clicks of a mouse.

No matter if you are an accomplished pianist or simply wish to explore drums and pads, your choice of MIDI controller depends on your primary musical/technical requirements. Some controllers include multiple features which must be purchased separately; it is up to you to determine your most pressing requirements and which MIDI controller best meets them. Two essential features are aftertouch and velocity sensitivity which determine how hard pressing keys or striking pads must be for different sounds to be triggered.

Finally, good quality cables are essential. Cheap ones may look appealing but can easily break and disrupt your signal with static and other environmental noises that distort sound quality. Furthermore, investing in a sturdy mic stand will protect against unexpected breakdowns midstream.

Home recording equipment doesn’t need to be extensive if your goal is only vocals and acoustic guitar recording; however, for any advanced productions you will require more intensive pieces.