Heavy metal music has long been associated with inducing anger and aggression, prompting mental health professionals to take notice and institute some policy responses and respond with concerns over potential connections to suicide risk, violence and desensitisation to violence in this genre.
However, according to research from Macquarie University, engaging in metal music provides fans with a sense of community and provides them with a positive outlook on life.
1. It helps reduce stress
Listening to heavy metal music, with its heavy riffs, screams and other sounds can help alleviate stress and anxiety, according to clinical psychologist Nicole Andreoli. Heavy metal music also reduces cortisol levels which helps ease negative emotions like depression. Watch Nicole Andreoli’s TikTok account video posted in 2019 explaining this phenomenon!
However, some individuals may be intimidated by the perceived stigma attached to heavy metal music and its effect on mental health. But it’s important to keep in mind that existing research on heavy metal and mental health largely uses correlational methods, with no causal inferences possible.
Studies have demonstrated that heavy metal listeners may be at an increased risk of internalizing and externalising psychosocial problems, including aggression, substance use, suicidal thoughts and depressive symptoms. Nonetheless, most heavy metal fans do not fall into this category and often derive numerous positive emotional and social benefits from listening to their favorite bands.
Women tend to be underrepresented within heavy metal music communities and its lyrics. Some claim that female characters depicted as victims of violence may lead to increased aggressive behaviors among some individuals; however, such claims rely solely on correlational data and do not account for individual personalities or life circumstances.
An early study using self-report measures demonstrated that heavy metal listeners exhibited higher trait sensation seeking and were more inclined to engage in externalizing behaviors such as speeding, drink driving, casual sex and drug abuse than non-fans (Arnett 1991b). Subsequent research also indicates that female and male heavy metal fans reported greater difficulty within their family relationships compared with non-fans (Schonke 1998).
Gender stereotypes portrayed in media have been linked with an increase in behavioral problems for males and an increase in depressive symptoms for females (Lott 2003). Therefore it is vital that we recognize that individuals exposed to music with aggressive lyrics or an explicit sexist context are at increased risk of psychological difficulties.
2. It improves memory
Listening to music that they enjoy helps increase serotonin levels, leading to improved memory retention and faster learning speeds. Studies have demonstrated how listening to Heavy Metal music can keep students’ minds more alert while studying, making studying much simpler; similarly rock music tends to be more melodic than other genres making it easier to remember.
Metal lyrics often explore emotions like anger, sadness and despair; yet researchers have discovered that listening to metal music can actually help lower cortisol levels in your body – alleviating symptoms of depression thereby keeping your mood under control with just a little metal each day!
Researchers have previously determined that listening to Heavy Metal music can increase blood flow to your brain, thus helping prevent cognitive problems and improving memory. But this doesn’t always hold true, and not all metal music is heavy; therefore it is essential to find a balance when selecting music genres – too much exposure can have adverse consequences.
Heavy Metal music has come under scrutiny in the past for being associated with everything from violence and aggression, addiction, antisocial behavior, suicide and depression. Unfortunately, these studies tend to rely on correlational data rather than causal inferences and may rely on stereotypes about fans that do not accurately represent who engage with this form of music.
Early research indicates that both male and female heavy metal fans reported more externalising behaviors like reckless driving, drug use, casual sex and vandalism than non-fans. Studies also show that personality traits such as impulsivity, sensation seeking and depression might influence these relationships.
UCL researchers recently conducted a study that demonstrated how female adolescents who experience depressed moods are more likely to subscribe to heavy metal magazines than their non-subscriber peers; this relationship appears to be driven by negative lyrical content in heavy metal music, suggesting they might find consolation and belonging through this genre of music.
3. It helps you think more clearly
Heavy metal music has long been linked with negative social outcomes like aggression, violence and misogyny; however it also offers psychological advantages to its fans. For instance, listening to this genre may improve cognitive function based on logic and scientific thinking as well as helping individuals feel accepted within a community of like-minded fans.
Researchers have researched the effects of music on emotion regulation, finding that listening to metal music can quickly and effectively soothe an emotionally charged event, develop critical thinking skills, and better process anger.
Conversely, some metal music features violent or aggressive lyrics which has given rise to concerns that listeners might engage in violent behaviors themselves. It is important to recognize that anger and aggression are two distinct emotions; anger is something which can be managed through positive activities such as self-care techniques while aggression represents more extreme or destructive acts.
Studies demonstrating a correlation between heavy metal music and aggression and delinquency is difficult to make with certainty, yet personality traits like trait sensation seeking may serve to modulate genre preferences and externalizing behaviors – for example male metal fans are more likely to report incidents such as speeding, drink driving and casual sex than non-fans.
Female metal music fans report higher rates of shoplifting and vandalism compared to non-fan counterparts, so clinical strategies that address mental health concerns in metal music fans must be informed by empirical research that disentangles personality preferences from emotional and behavioral responses to music.
Studies of metal music are essential in order to prevent negative stereotypes from infiltrating diagnostic decisions in health care settings. Therapists need to understand how different genres affect moods – particularly among individuals at risk for negative mental health consequences – in order to make more informed therapeutic decisions about which music a patient should participate in and how it might best aid their wellbeing.
4. It helps you concentrate
Heavy metal music has been linked with aggression, delinquency, disrespect of social norms and women, substance use and suicidal ideation in both community and psychiatric populations. Although correlational research can support such claims, causal inferences are difficult to make due to social stigma attached to its fans and this music genre in mental health settings. The following narrative review synthesizes findings from music psychology which could inform clinical decision-making regarding metal fans.
Metal music has long been recognized for being an outlet for emotional intensity, such as anger. While some forms of metal may feature lyrics with offensive or violent themes, other songs express sorrow, despair or grief more effectively than ever.
Listening to metal music can actually help improve concentration when working or studying, as well as provide stress relief and relaxation. Studies have demonstrated how metal can lower cortisol levels – an indicator of stress levels.
Although metal music and its fans often come under scrutiny for being harmful and distasteful, those who enjoy this genre can reap several advantages from listening to this genre’s songs – it’s important that any positive effects associated with listening be recognized and welcomed rather than ignored or denigrated.
One study demonstrated that people who enjoyed heavy metal were more likely to read than those who didn’t; metal fans also tend to be more accepting of diversity, which may help in alleviating feelings of depression and isolation. Furthermore, listening to metal may increase empathy and creativity.
Metal fans have also been shown to be more socially engaged and possess higher levels of self-esteem than non-metal fans, as well as having higher cognitive function based on logic and scientific thinking. It comes as no surprise that so many songs with emotionally intense lyrics offer listeners a sense of meaning and belonging.