What You Need to Know About a Bass Guitar Amp For Sale

Sweetwater offers everything from basic practice amps to stage-ready rigs for every need imaginable, offering classic tones with world-class effects for bass amplifiers.

Features that make gigging easy such as an XLR line out with ground lift, EQ presets and silent recording capability come standard on every Orange Little Bass Thing bass guitar. It provides stage-ready voicing and power to fill even the largest venues – all packed into an easily transportable unit that fits easily in a gig bag.


Bass guitar amps are indispensable in creating that big, deep tone that you desire. Without an amp, your bass might look sleek but won’t go anywhere fast. From intimate clubs to large stadiums, quality bass amplifiers will ensure your music can be heard clearly and effectively.

Bass amps come in all sorts of sizes, ranging from compact combos to full-sized cabinets. The size of your cabinet will ultimately determine how much volume is output by your amplifier; furthermore, solid state amps may offer greater power but some users find the warmer tones of tube amps more pleasing.

Contrary to regular guitar amplifiers, bass guitar amps are specifically designed for handling high-frequency frequencies. Due to its unique design, they can produce deep sounds without damaging speakers – unlike regular amplifiers which may damage speakers due to lower frequencies being introduced into them due to insufficient design. While you could potentially plug your bass guitar into one anyways, low frequencies would likely damage its speaker due to lack of planning.

Bass combo amplifiers provide an all-in-one solution, making them perfect for beginners or those who don’t have space to house separate amp heads and cabinets. Their portability means you can take them with you to gigs or practice sessions no matter the venue, while some even include direct output capability so your signal can go directly to a PA system without needing to use a DI box first.

Many bassists prefer using combo amps due to their portability and compact size. These all-in-one units make carrying them much simpler, fitting easily into most vehicles while saving valuable space on tour buses or RVs.


An equalizer built into a bass guitar amp allows users to alter its sound. There are various knobs for adjusting this equalizer, including one called bass which controls low frequencies; mid regulates higher ones; to prevent your sound becoming boxy you should reduce this mid knob by turning it down.

The treble knob, which controls high frequencies, is another key control. It allows you to customize your tone by choosing from either bright or dark sounds and should be set within reasonable parameters as they can lead to distortion if used too highly. Furthermore, an EQ can also be adjusted depending on what genre of music you are playing.

Reverb offers a range of bass guitar amps from several hundred dollars up to $10,000, many being combo amps that include both preamp and power amp in one unit – ideal for transportability to gigs as they eliminate having to transport separate head/cabinet combo amps individually, or just practicing at home or recording studio.

Purchase of a separate bass guitar amp head and speaker can also be an option, offering more power and creating deeper tones than combo amps do. They’re easy to transport too, fitting easily in vehicles. But bear in mind that bass guitars put undue strain on speakers; therefore be careful not to exceed their maximum wattage rating!

Hartke HA series bass guitar amps are among the most sought-after on the market today. Equipped with both a tube preamp and solid-state power amp, this combination makes an excellent beginner amp by providing enough power to cover small venues without being overpowering or compact; additionally it comes equipped with an anti-damping compressor to protect speakers from damage. Professional bassists may want to consider purchasing one of Hartke’s larger-wattage models (HA 400), which offers great sound at reduced costs.


Bass guitar amplifiers feature effects such as delay and reverb to create various sounds, while some models even include graphic or parametric equalizers to fine-tune tone for greater control over bass sound. Furthermore, these amps tend to boast larger speakers compared to their guitar-amp counterparts for maximum power and robust bass sound output.

As when shopping for any product, when selecting a bass guitar amp it’s essential to consider your individual needs and usage patterns before making your selection. For instance, gigging musicians might consider purchasing one with direct output to send their bass signal directly into a PA system without needing an additional direct box.

Search for a bass amplifier capable of handling the low frequencies associated with bass guitar. A regular guitar amp may damage its speaker when exposed for extended periods to these low-frequency signals.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to maximize the performance of a bass amplifier is to remove its built-in effects and start from a clean tone, before adjusting your EQ knobs until you achieve your ideal tone. A good place to begin would be by lowering mid, which affects lower frequencies; or reduce treble for higher ones.

If you plan on gigging with your bass amplifier, make sure that it can meet the wattage demands of your speakers – particularly if using an 8-ohm cabinet. For a smaller and more portable solution, smaller models with less than 30 watts in power might also be an option.

Additionally, selecting a bass amp with sturdy handles and wheels is wise. This will make transport easier if needed when taking it to gigs or performances.


Bass guitar amplifiers feature various controls that enable a bassist to shape their tone, from basic tone controls for bass, middle, and treble frequencies to more complex settings that emulate vintage sounds or adapt for specific music genres.

Some bass guitar amplifiers feature an effects loop, enabling external effects to be placed between the preamp and power sections of the amp. This allows effects to modify the bass guitar signal before it goes to the power section, as well as using footswitches for controlling effects and other functions of their amplifier without taking their hands off their instrument.

Another essential feature of any bass amplifier is a master volume control that sets the overall output level from the amp and may include a clipping indicator to warn when signal levels become too hot and could potentially damage speakers. A bass guitar amplifier may also include built-in tuners with LED displays as well as a mute button for use during tuning sessions or breaks between songs in performances.

Higher-end bass amps designed for professionals may come equipped with an XLR DI out jack that offers a balanced and shielded signal suitable for use with PAs or recording mixing boards. These jacks may feature features like ground lift switches to prevent ground loop hum, level control knobs and pre/post switches which enable bassists to send the DI signal before or after passing through their amplifier’s internal preamplifier and equalization circuitry.

Many bass guitar amplifiers feature an onboard headphone jack for private practice and quiet performances, typically located near where the speaker grille is found on the amp’s faceplate. When engaged, an indicator light will illuminate to show when it has been engaged; bassists appreciate this convenience that allows them to tune quietly at home without disturbing others nearby.