
Sad Music Jazz

Sad music jazz can elicit deep emotions from listeners. This musical genre blends beats from West Africa, Caribbean and European classical instruments into its soundscape. Jazz music is an emotional genre characterized by many emotive yet melancholic songs that have stood the test of time. Let’s look at a few such sad jazz tunes and […]

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Jazz Guitar Chords

Chord voicings are one of the essential aspects of jazz guitar that must be internalized, regardless of whether you play traditional jazz, jazz fusion or blues music. A triad is the simplest chord, composed of three notes that create harmony. Jazz chords often add an additional seventh note for their distinctive sound. Triads Triads are

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Jazz Drums For Beginners

Jazz’s most basic beat is a ride cymbal rhythm based on triplet feel; beginners need to familiarize themselves with this beat for maximum comprehension. Try playing this pattern using only the bass drum and high hat on 2 and 4. When comfortable, add an additional bass drum beat when needed. Learning the Basics Learning new

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Jazz 7th Chords

Learning how to construct and identify seventh chords is central to jazz music theory – especially since these chords don’t appear on sheets of music! In most western musical harmony situations, 7th chords shift towards becoming dominant 1 chords, so any scales you play over them must harmonise with their chord tones. Major Seventh The

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Jazz Bass Guitar

From funk music to disco, bass guitar has made an impactful statement across genres. However, jazz bands were where its true potential truly shone through. Before beginning to play jazz bass, one must develop basic musical theory knowledge – such as intervals, scales (major and minor), arpeggios and arpeggio patterns. Blues Bass players looking to

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Fender Jazz Bass Pickups

Fender’s Contemporary Active Jazz Bass features two noiseless Samarium Cobalt pickups to deliver full range grit for all styles of playing. Furthermore, its compound modern C-to-D neck shape and black hardware add the final touches. Jazz Bass pickups feature short, squat coils with reverse windings and reverse polarities, designed to eliminate hum when blended together

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